ChanServ changed the topic of #lima to: Development channel for open source lima driver for ARM Mali4** GPUs - Kernel driver has landed in mainline, userspace driver is part of mesa - Logs at
uis has joined #lima
uis_ has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
<uis> Thank you very much for your work.
<uis> (Who knew Vasyans from opennet were this good?)))
chewitt has quit [Quit: Zzz..]
<enunes> anarsoul: indeed thanks for all this work :)
<enunes> anarsoul: I started looking into the optimizer one but there seem to be some debug leftovers, is that still in some wip state?
<enunes> also I think it would be best to fold the commit which fixes the deqp tests with the CI updates rather than a separate commit
tlwoerner has joined #lima
<anarsoul[m]> I kind of hoped to avoid running deqp for each of the commits since I have no idea what fixed these tests :)
<anarsoul> enunes: these aren't really debug leftovers
<anarsoul> I'll move assigning discard block index into a separate commit though
<anarsoul> (and it doesn't have to be INT_MAX, it can be the last block + 1 index)
<anarsoul> uis: I haven't been on opennet for a over a decade. Let's say I have conflicting political views with opennet's administration
<uis> You replied to my post in 2020 about panfrost.
<anarsoul> oh really? ok, then half a decade
<anarsoul> (I just checked and it looks like opennet is blocking Canadian IPs. heh)