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<sven> phire: given that we're talking about strings let's move it here because some people want to be absolutely not exposed to any direct reverse engineering talk
<phire> point
<sven> which strings make you think that the firmware is responsible for setting up GART?
<phire> well the strings include: "AGXSecureGart::unmap Timed out waiting for FW to process secure unmap after %llu ns" @%s:%d
<phire> which susgest the firmware is somewhat involved in the process of mapping
<sven> hm, weird
<phire> though I'm with alyssa. I'm expecting registers controlled by the cpu
<sven> there's also stuff like "kernel_gart_tables" @%s:%d which make it sounds it's the kernel itself
<sven> if I were to speculate even more: AGXSecureSharedGartTableBacking maybe it's both actually? :D
<phire> It could require interaction on both sides?
<sven> could be
<sven> still a bit weird, but who knows
<phire> So, assuming it is registers, they seem to be missing from ADT
<sven> only sort of
<sven> the registers are part of the agx node
<sven> the gart node just loads this gart kext which is very very small and only calls back into the main kext
<phire> the sgx node?
<sven> let me check again, it's been a while
<phire> I've never seen those registers written to. only read
<sven> yeah, i assumed they were in the sgx node
<phire> 0x4000-0x401c seem to be id/version registers
<phire> 0x11008-0x11014 seem to be some perf counters
<phire> a few of the registers seem to count up when work is executed
<phire> Then there are a few shared memory regions, gpu-region-base, gfx-handoff-base and gfx-shared-region-base
<phire> I suspect work is being passed in via gfx-handoff
<phire> but it's passing in these pointers that we are assuming are GART pointers
<sven> did you also check the second register range given in the adt?
<phire> depends on if trace_device("/arm-io/sgx", True) automatically picks them up
<sven> hm... i think it does
<phire> yeah, I think it does
<phire> maybe it's on the agx-asc node's registers
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<phire> no, that only has the expected asc traffic
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<alyssa> phire: are u tracing the *-region/handoff-base memory?
<alyssa> or how does that work
<phire> yes
<phire> That's where I'm getting these "pointers" that I don't know where they point to
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<phire> There is very little data sent via the ASC interface. It basically looks like little more than a keepalive
<phire> oh hang on, the pointers witten to gfx-shared-region-base actually point at real physical memory
<phire> they are also all unaligned
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<alyssa> unaligned pointers can sometimes be aligned pointers with extra data shoved in the bottom (and sometimes top) bits
<alyssa> i don't remember if apple does that, i think they do
<alyssa> arm definitely does
<phire> yeah, it's always 0x3
<phire> or 0x1
<sven> could be kind of valid bit(s)
<alyssa> sure
<sven> in the DART PTEs the lowest two bits are used for that
<alyssa> and what's pointed to at that address & ~0x3
<alyssa> ?
<phire> stuff that doesn't seem to be that interesting at a first glance
<phire> first pointer points to nulls
<alyssa> womp womp
<phire> second points to a table with data like: 0x00600004061e0447, 0x00600004061e4447, 0x00600004061e8447...
<phire> few hundred 64bit values with slight increments between them
<phire> it's only bits 16-23 that change
<alyssa> no chance any of those are tagged pointers?
<alyssa> (0x4061e4440 or something)
<alyssa> Incidentally, strings implies that AVE uses a GART too
<phire> it's outside of physical memory
<phire> and doesn't look virtual
<alyssa> Hm
<alyssa> maybe it's time to pop open ghidra/ida
<alyssa> give getGartPhysicalBaseAddress a looksies
<phire> not sure I want to go much beyond looking at strings RE wise
<phire> the fact that I'm seeing physical pointers in this gfx-shared-region is interesting
<phire> implies something has direct access to physical memory
<alyssa> nod
<phire> um, let me just check this isn't just stale data from iboot
<alyssa> possible
<phire> nope, it's clear at boot
<phire> however... the cpu didn't write into it
<phire> I think it's data belonging to the firmware
<alyssa> Could be, yeah
<phire> I think the cpu only ever writes into gfx-handoff
<phire> I see it following a pattern of writing what looks like a pointer (like 0x1506f90000), then a size (0x14000), then setting a flag (to signal work is ready)
<phire> my theory is that these are command buffer pointers
<phire> or pointers to some kind of task structure that has all the deatils
<alyssa> what's at the pointer?
<phire> its' not valid
<alyssa> hm
<phire> reading it actually crashes m1n1
<alyssa> so it's a GART VA maybe
<phire> yes, that's the leading theory
<phire> so I need to work out where GART is. though I probally should sleep at some point
<phire> might need to RE the kext
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