<slh> \x: Xiaomi be6500 is probably quite similar (~160 EUR inkcl 19% VAT delivered from aliexpress), if the seller specs are to be believed
<\x> slh: acwifi has a teardown of be6500, sadly no expandability
<\x> but ofcourse the question here is, "does usb matter?" for me it does, im one of those "no usb no buy"
<\x> btw heres acwifi teardown of be6500 https://www.acwifi.net/27123.html
<\x> castiel652: thats good, ehemm any /proc/cpuinfo dump? they likely are using recycled kryo mobile cores again
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<mrkiko> however, ipq4xx drivers in FB7530 do exhibit broken behaviours sometimes, atleast that is on the unit I am using with my setup
<mrkiko> *ethernet-related drivers*
<mrkiko> interposing a switch between the device and the rest of the network fixed issue for me
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<slh> \x: thanks, USB is something I'd really like to have - but sadly not a hard requirement (as that would disqualify half of the devices on the market)
<slh> SOC, RAM size, number of ethernet ports and their specs, as well as 6 GHz capability (yeah, that's not to be found in device for the Chinese market) take precedence over USB. it's great to have it though - and I do miss it, rarely, but when I do, I really miss it
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<mrkiko> slh: out of curiosity - what was your use-case for usb on the router?
<slh> mrkiko: two things, printer(s) and some small storage space, be it for logs (rrd/ luci statistics) and a bit more custom, a small tftpd-hpa instance to serve the firmware- and configuration to my SIP phone(s) (Cisco cp-7962g, cp7960g)
<slh> small stuff: 15.8M /srv/tftp/, 1.7M /srv/rrd/, 756.0K /srv/nlbwmon/
<mrkiko> slh: got it
<\x> damn mrkiko did not ask me
<\x> mine is uhh yes nlbwmon + https://i.imgur.com/WMgFGzQ.png
<\x> i haz one of those smol usb ssds https://i.imgur.com/Gav1eN4.jpeg, evtran 256GB TLC on this one
<\x> would be nice though if nlbwmon supported remote logging amirite
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<slh> I've never seen the point of mounting remote filesystems on routers, the router should always work - without depending on the rest of the network
<mrkiko> slh: well, it enables fun stuff I think
<mrkiko> slh: there shouldn't always be a point in any case
<mrkiko> \x: I can't see images easily but nice to know
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<svanheule> mirko: I've looked at the fan monitor line in the past, but never managed to figure out how it worked
<svanheule> mirko: it could also be that they're passing it through a low-pass filter as a "stall alarm" more than a direct RPM measurement
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<aparcar> svanheule aren’t you the switch guru?
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<mrnuke> svanheule: I have an init dump from a Realtek PSE (the actual RTL8..., not broadcom)
<mrnuke> Specifically, it's the SoC to MCU lines UART dump (TX/RX)
<castiel652> \x: sure I can check that on Monday. You can look up NWA130BE if you are interested in the actual product. ;)
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<\x> castiel652: my suspicion is that qualcomm is puting again kryo 200 silver cores on them, which is closer to a73 than a53
<\x> they did it on ipq60xx and 50xx
<\x> but they marketed it as "cortex-a53"
<\x> seems gud
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<mirko> svanheule: interesting, internet says switch just continues working when fan is disconnected
<mirko> figured maybe it's not even used, but there's electronic components on the lane - however couldn't trace it to the SoC
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_ath79.html has been updated. (98.7% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<antonkh> @mirko how many wires does the fan have?
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<mrnuke> the frogging global context in realtek-poe is killing me!
<mirko> antonkh: 3, VCC, GND, RPM
<mirko> mrnuke: is there actually a way of reading out how much power a port draws?
<mrnuke> mirko: ubus call poe info
<mirko> mrnuke: uh, nice, thanks
<mrnuke> mirko: you gotta read the documentation that I never wrote! :p
<mirko> mrnuke: classic openwrt style :)
<mirko> mrnuke: can i also enable/disable PoE without editing config files and restarting network?
<mirko> per port
<mirko> next question: can i classify/prioritise ports re power consumption?
<mrnuke> mirko: see "ubus -v list poe" . If I tried to remember the syntax I'd be lying
<mrnuke> you can try the "priority"field in the /etc/config/poe, but we never tested if that actually works
<mirko> ack
<svanheule> aparcar: I suppose some might be inclined to call me that
<svanheule> mirko: when debugging I often leave the fans disconnected. You're right that the devices don't really seem to care
<aparcar> svanheule: did you ever run openwrt on this ubiquiti aggregation switch?
<svanheule> aparcar: no, I didn't. That was Birger's device
<aparcar> svanheule: all right. I ordered one if you want remote access to play with it let me know
<aparcar> looks like quite a cool device except for the silly screen
<svanheule> aparcar: ack. Although if I find time I would probably prioritize fixing the 1st gen (GbE) switches
<svanheule> I have the Unifi Switch Lite 16 PoE. It's pretty well built IMHO, but they're really useless without their controller
<aparcar> I think david aka blocktrron looked into some unifi controlling stuff, not sure if that device specifically
<svanheule> mrnuke: let me have a look. does that match the control sequences of the BCM ones well?
<schmars[m]> blocktrron did usw-flex which works nicely
<aparcar> schmars: also with PoE?
<schmars[m]> yeeah, really nice device
<schmars[m]> different poe chip than the realteks though
<svanheule> schmars[m]: is that the mt7621 switch?
<schmars[m]> yeah
<aparcar> blocktrron: why did yo never tell me 😄 did we struggle with that very device the last time we met?
<aparcar> btw what about the flex mini?
<blocktrron> aparcar: flex mini uses nuvoton MCU for MGMT
<blocktrron> Newer unifi ultra use esp32 for management. Cutting costs where possible
<aparcar> so the flex mini is hard to support?
<aparcar> is poe++ just passive 48v?
<schmars[m]> nah it's active - 802.3bt
<schmars[m]> poe = 802.3af, poe+ = 802.3at, poe++ = 802.3bt
<schmars[m]> ubiquiti has some weird segmentation going on, where some of their stuff is active, and some is passive
<mrnuke> svanheule: no way. It's completely different
<mrnuke> svanheule: currently hacking the golab contexts out of realtek-poe so I can add a new dialect
<mrnuke> s/golab/global/
<mrnuke> well, obviously, they reused some ideas, but the command IDs are all different. I am also only seeing 1-port commands being used. None of the fancy poet/4_port stuff
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_mpc85xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 98.6% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<russell--> mrnuke++
<Mangix> 6
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<Mangix> hrm marko's not here
<russell--> mrnuke: i have a zyxel gs1900-10hp v2, which doesn't work with realtek-poe, but the PSE chips have heatsinks, so i haven't ID'd them
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<mrnuke> do you get a bunch of "Invalid port status packet (port=97)" from realtek-poe?
<russell--> mrnuke: i think so, something like that was filling up my syslogs so i disabled the daemon
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<russell--> Mar 24 00:01:39 realtek-poe: Invalid port status packet (port=97)
<mrnuke> russell--: Welcome to the "unrealtek could have just kept the same damn protocol, but they didn't" clob
<mrnuke> s/clob/club/
<russell--> lol, yeah.