<MainudeenSumro[m]> <Zekiu_[m]> "You have to try, writing a..." <- I don't want to burn board
<MainudeenSumro[m]> 🥲
<ungeskriptet> Th
<ungeskriptet> MainudeenSumro[m]: That's very unlikely to happen. Just double check the regulators and you should be fine
<MainudeenSumro[m]> Oh
<MainudeenSumro[m]> Can mainline use Android driver and make it load for pmos or other distro?
<ungeskriptet> MainudeenSumro[m]: That would be pointless
<MainudeenSumro[m]> Why?
<ungeskriptet> The goal of mailining is to *not* use Android drivers and use upstream drivers instead
<MainudeenSumro[m]> Will Android driver make it slower is that why?
<MainudeenSumro[m]> I meant writing driver would be too hard
<ungeskriptet> Most Android drivers are HALs and proprietary
<ungeskriptet> You would need Halium for that
<ungeskriptet> Which doesn't make use of mainline
<MainudeenSumro[m]> Mainline can't use them ah
<ungeskriptet> Except for basic devices like the touchscreen you're unlikely to be able to port them to mainline
<MainudeenSumro[m]> But halium work with libhybris
<MainudeenSumro[m]> If we can use mainline with Android driver without libhybris would not it be better?
<MainudeenSumro[m]> Is it impossible?
<ungeskriptet> Probably not, but I haven't heard of anyone that managed to achieve that yet
<ungeskriptet> Why do you need Android drivers? Just use what mainline has
<MainudeenSumro[m]> Ok
<MainudeenSumro[m]> What device u have?
<ungeskriptet> Lenovo Xiaoxin Pad Pro 2021
aibobo[m] has quit [Quit: Client limit exceeded: 20000]