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i think we may have a kernel regression in the gpu driver. a number of folks have complained that 6.13 causes a fallback to llvmpipe
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so far I've seen just 2 cases with old dtb / m1n1
that might be it then. a few folks on reddit have hit it
been a busy day so i didnt look too far into it
one of them ended up in #asahi. just posted instructions to debug
yeah just noticed. i asked another one to update-m1n1 to see if that helps.
I don't think update-m1n1 itself will help on fedora-asahi-remix. the trigger itself looks reliable but it might show where the issue is
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there are reports that mics do not work in chromium (and xfreerdp). does for me. any hope that the priority fix will improve this? do we still need to recommend to blast the wireplumber state?
im hoping the priority fix will get rid of any outstanding issues... unless clients try to enumerate _every_ node on the graph
i cant repro either though
let me just tag that now so we can get a release out
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reporter is running gnome so that might be related
hm we do know gnome disrespects wireplumber perms
but that shouldnt matter, clients do their own thing dont they
v3.2 of asahi-audio and v8 of alsa-ucm-conf-asahi pushed
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fedora spec files updated and builds submitted for rawhide. I'll do f42, f41 and f40 later today
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thanks :)
we need to file bugs against gnome for the always on mic indicator. not seeing that resolved quickly though
kde does the same thing, the indicator is just white lol
it changes to red during recording. I think it's shown inactive in plasma to allow disabling it
no it is not
nah it just shows up permanently because the filter-chain has a handle on the alsa device node
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I was under the impression that the same happens with the headset input but it does not
nah its definitely the same thing that's causing the gnome indicator to light up
i thought adding node.passive = true was supposed to fix this but apparently not
yes, I tested it here
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node.passive probably doesn't work as the plasma audio applet monitors the mic. at least when the panel is open it shows the level
yeah thats expected which is fine
as long as the filter chain and alsa node are suspended for power reasons then its not a big deal
are they? the didplayed level looks like it's the output level of the dsp chain
yeah when the applet is open, when you close it though the graph should be suspended
you can confirm with pw-top
wireplumber cpu use goes down to 0 so i assume node.passive is working there
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jannau: alyssa: posted v2 of the t6020 PCIe patches. bit more invasive than the initial drop, but I think the overall result is cleaner. feedback welcome.
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hi, how to enable mics? I've installed kernel 6.17.3 and set snd_soc_apple_aop.mic_check_123=1, but nothing happend. the machine is j414(macbook pro 14" m2 max)
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maz: thank you!
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evil_king_8791 wrong channel, please ask on #asahi