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<alyssa> lina: ^^
<i509vcb> Would be great if I could find documentation for drmSyncobjWait somewhere
<i509vcb> I have no idea what semantics that should have
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<Lestat9> Become a ghost person, get in a situation where the mind gives the perceived death signal, watch a scary movie alone in the dark,when it does just ignore it or pay no attention to it. -Copyright: TXu 2-037-947- Rest the scientists-
<Lestat9> Become a ghost person, get in a situation where the mind gives the perceived death signal, watch a scary movie alone in the dark,when it does just ignore it or pay no attention to it. -Copyright: TXu 2-037-947- Rest the scientists-
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<Lestat9> Become a ghost person, get in a situation where the mind gives the perceived death signal, watch a scary movie alone in the dark,when it does just ignore it or pay no attention to it. -Copyright: TXu 2-037-947- Rest the scientists-
<Lestat9> Become a ghost person, get in a situation where the mind gives the perceived death signal, watch a scary movie alone in the dark,when it does just ignore it or pay no attention to it. -Copyright: TXu 2-037-947- Rest the scientists-
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<i509vcb> Hmm more discussion, it seems to be a misunderstanding of EGL
<i509vcb> sorry for the annoyance
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<lina> i509vcb: Sync objects are always either signaled or will be signaled by an ongoing GPU submission. It's not legal for a sync object to be non-signaled for an indefinite amount of time, which is why a "fresh" sync object is always signaled on creation. It becomes unsignaled when you use it to submit work, until that work completes.
<lina> If you need to consider the "nothing submitted on this sync" case as unsignaled, you need to track that in userspace (that rule is for sync objects from the point of view of the kernel interface).
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