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<rosefromthedead> damn, didn't know alyssa was secretly my algorithms teacher
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<alyssa> rosefromthedead: union-find is so cool!!
<rosefromthedead> :D
<sven> can confirm, union find is cool
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* alyssa drowning in bug reports
<alyssa> not really sure how to prioritize "address the firehose of issues reported" vs "write a vulkan driver because people keep asking"
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<alyssa> anyone want to triage bug reports (-:
<alyssa> tempted to just go on bug report bankruptcy
<alyssa> take confirmed&triaged bug reports from team members but otherwise ignore the tracker
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<leio> the tracker I found is quite barren, must be elsewhere then fdo/asahi/mesa?
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<alyssa> leio: fdo/asahi/mesa is my internal tracker that I much prefer other people don't use
<alyssa> is the external tracker
<leio> everything on one issue does feel rather hard to manage I suppose
<alyssa> that's part of the problm
<alyssa> the other part is that piles of bug reoprts aren't actionable and/or aren't our bug but it takes hours to determine that.
<alyssa> and there are.. so many
<alyssa> ..meh, yeah, bug report bankruptcy
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