ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-re to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | Hardware / boot process / firmware interface reverse engineering | WARNING: this channel (only) may contain binary reverse engineering discussion | RE policy: (MANDATORY READ) | GitHub: | Wiki: | Logs:
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<caocle> h​e⁠y m⁠a⁠n⁠ i⁠m r​eall⁠y⁠ s⁠o​r​ry f⁠o⁠r s​p⁠a​m⁠m​i​n⁠g y⁠our i⁠r​c.
<caocle> i​ h​ope​ y​ou accept​ this⁠ si⁠nc​er​e a​p​o​l​og​y from​ m⁠y he​a​rt​.
<caocle> n​igg⁠er⁠ nig​ge​r nigger⁠ n⁠igg⁠er nig​g⁠er ni​gge⁠r⁠ n⁠igg​e⁠r⁠ n⁠ig⁠g​er⁠ n⁠i⁠gger n⁠i⁠g⁠ge​r⁠ n⁠igge⁠r ni⁠g⁠g​er b​ur​n⁠in d⁠ow⁠n⁠ fra​nc​e⁠ lol​ nig​g​er⁠ n⁠i​g​g​e⁠r ni​g​ge​r​ nigge⁠r n​i⁠g​g⁠er n​ig​ger ni⁠g​g​er​ n⁠i​gg​er ni​gge​r⁠ 
<caocle> a​hh​h​hh⁠hh​h⁠h⁠hhhh⁠hhhh​h⁠hh j​k u ki⁠ke⁠s fuc​k yo⁠ur ir​c
<caocle> i⁠m c​omin⁠ b​ack​ o​n 100 mo⁠re ip⁠s t​o s⁠pa⁠m⁠ thi​s​ g⁠a⁠y a​s⁠s⁠ i​r​c​ c⁠han⁠nel
<caocle> if u ma⁠d​ c⁠ome t⁠o i⁠r⁠c​.sup⁠e​r​n⁠e​t⁠s.or​g #s​upe⁠r⁠b⁠ow⁠l bit​ch
<caocle> caocle mikelee skipwich _rudi Emantor nela yamii ciara akemin_dayo Cyrinux94 ChaosPrincess zkrx phire hightower3 skoobasteeve rhysmdnz Guest5162 compassion1785 dylanchapell SalimTer- systwi Mary amarioguy balrog Dementor maria cyrozap yuyichao bpye lynndotpy CoolStar psanford Lightsword Z750 kallsyms Poplar m5zs7k midou DragoonAethis xcpy0 thevar1able_ mini_ linuxgemini180248 blazra ArcaneNibble
<caocle> bluetail nyx_o eigenform Retr0id ave36309 coder_kalyan cds akspecs pitust okt swapgs pldtf alethkit d4ve leftas nickchan pg12 DarkShadow44 codingkoopa3 Whistler_ sneak manawyrm marshmallow pb17 irth Hibyehello Misthios ncopa lonjil mcint turo pjakobsson fredmb matrix_ds flokli j`ey V _jannau__ jole_ commandoline_ wille-io Graypup_ dabaum|2er0 opticron lawt hays Method lawrence nepeat Avaflow
<caocle> nafod eloy_ Stary rbenua tbodt linxz NekomimiScience azenla jesse-s robher _alice austriancoder jonmasters__ supay Manouchehri_ skippypaws mokou rcombs TheLink dougall m42uko_ TheFirst XeR sven qdot jix_2 TellowKrinkle vup2 Fanfwe Shiz merry agraf marcan paddatrapper_ mjolnir[m] tumblingweed highvoltage[m] arekm sefidel jannau tired grange_c68 kit_ty_kate1 emptynine argonaut soonercane loops
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<supay> caocle, not interested, thx
<systwi> ^
<chadmed> they were banned and you should just ignore spammers
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<yamii> what the fuck is wrong with people
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<ydalton> hi, i've obtained the avd firmware from mmio tracing, and i've put it with R's avd emulator script, but it seems to throw an exception (UC_ERR_READ_UNMAPPED). maybe there's something wrong with the firmware but idk
<j`ey> ydalton: 08:34:05 < ArcaneNibble> hi, i nominally do indeed exist again, could someone ask ydalton to either get
<j`ey> a bouncer or to PM me a non-IRC contact method?
<ydalton> thanks for letting me know, is discord possible?
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<ydalton> j`ey: i'm kind of new to IRC, did R pm you?
<j`ey> no, that was in #asah
<j`ey> i
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<ydalton> ah
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<ydalton> Guest5162: is it possible you could share those notes with me?
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