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<Frostie314159> Hi, I'm personally working on reverse engineering the AWDL protocol, which is the link layer for AirDrop and AirPlay. Did anyone discover something related to this protocol, while reversing the firmware for the wifi chip?
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<nicolas17> Frostie314159: I was going to *start* looking at that and so far I'm just overwhelmed by the sheer number of unknown MMIO activity to the wifi chip when simply turning the machine on ._.
<nicolas17> you do know the basics of AWDL are known by now right? :)
<nicolas17> seemoo etc
<Frostie314159> Yes I'm working with them and continuing their research
<Frostie314159> I'm currently writing my own AWDL implementation in Rust
<nicolas17> AWDL on Mac is half implemented in the wifi chip firmware and half in the XNU kernel, right?
<Frostie314159> Yeah, most higher level stuff lives in IO80211Family.kext and the rest is in the WiFi driver
<Frostie314159> *WiFi firmware
<nicolas17> I want to implement it like Apple, let the firmware do its thing instead of using monitor mode, so that you can stay connected to a normal wifi network
<nicolas17> but I think this is way above my head
<sven> that's how all good reverse engineering projects start!
<Frostie314159> I'm guessing the chipset used is bcm43xxx, depending on if this is hard or softmac this could be implemented in the kernel.
<Frostie314159> If it's hardMAC this would likely require a lot of modification of the b43 driver
<nicolas17> my thought process is: if your machine has softmac, you can implement AWDL in the kernel; if your machine has fullmac with Apple features in the firmware, you can use those features; if your machine has another fullmac chip that doesn't support awdl, monitor mode is the only way
<nicolas17> and if your fullmac chip doesn't support monitor mode you're Screwed
<Frostie314159> Yep, that's what it currently looks like. However, we could choose an approach, like the one used for AP mode, where the actual management is done in userspace by hostapd
<nicolas17> oh sure, you can move parts to userspace
<nicolas17> I just think monitor mode as done by owlink is nice as a research project but has awful user experience :D
* nicolas17 goes back to dealing with today's Apple betas for a minute
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