ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-re to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | Hardware / boot process / firmware interface reverse engineering | WARNING: this channel (only) may contain binary reverse engineering discussion | RE policy: (MANDATORY READ) | GitHub: | Wiki: | Logs:
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<birate17> Hey y'all, i'm struggling putting my m1n1 install into proxy mode
<birate17> I have a MB pro, an USB 3.2 gen 1 (A to C) cable, and Arch on my non-proxy machine
<birate17> Despite all of this no interfaces are mounted in /dev/ttyACM*
<birate17> Okay, here it's mentionned 'make sure to use a thunderbolt' port, guess i overlooked that not all are on a MB pro
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