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<nicolas17> marcan: in iOS 18.0b4 and macOS 15.0b4, iBoot is NO LONGER ENCRYPTED
<nicolas17> "iBootStage1 for j615, Copyright 2007-2024, Apple Inc."
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<nicolas17> pinging sven too ^
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<sven> huh, sweet
<sven> still hope I never have to look at it
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<jannau> wow, I missed the announcement
<nicolas17> the hoarders and dataminers found the unencrypted iBoot in iOS *before* finding the release notes saying exactly that :P
<nicolas17> I think someone with a spicy iPhone was trying to decrypt the kbags of the new beta and stumbled upon the lack of kbags
<nicolas17> jannau: I just realized this means we get to see M4 iBoot too (via iPadOS)
<jannau> ah, so they announced plaintext iboot/sepos for Private Cloud Compute: "In a first for any Apple platform, PCC images will include the sepOS firmware and the iBoot bootloader in plaintext, making it easier than ever for researchers to study these critical components."
<nicolas17> yeah
<nicolas17> but we thought they would only publish it for PCC
<nicolas17> guess they realized keeping it encrypted would be even less useful than it already is, if PCC's was public
<nicolas17> (note that SEP is still encrypted on macOS/iOS, and there are no PCC images yet)
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