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<robin48gx> if you ashi linux your mac m2, does it defaault to dual boot ?
<robin48gx> like you can still have it as a mac. Also are the file systems compatible? Can you use linux to access say the home directory from both linux and macos ?
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<robin48gx> chatgpt answered me!
<robin48gx> but I;ll quietly lurk for now
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<chadmed> robin48gx: #asahi is the channel you want for questions like that. and just in case the lying plagiarism robot lied to you with plagiarised material
<chadmed> we _only_ support dual boot and if you want to share files youll need an exfat-formatted disk. there is no ootb support for apfs
<robin48gx> yes I have had chatgpt lie to me before. I was in a n amateur stage productiojn of elf the musical. Chat GPT told me they rode unicycles as part of it. I took mine unicycle to an early rehersal and got puzzled looks off the director. ChatGPT had lied/halucinated!
<Halian|Jardin> >AI slop generator
<robin48gx> I have an M2 PRO but have used linux/sunos/raspberrypi/ PDP unix etc for so long I am tempted to civilise the M2
<robin48gx> If the super instead of control button annoys me one more significant time!!!
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<robin48gx> Is that Jardin who was in ?
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