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chadmed: AppleH7DisplayPipe.cpp
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nickchan: ah right yeah its kinda dodgy using apple's naming scheme for things bc they do freaky shit in their drivers that we shouldnt/cant
we already try not to rely on ADT compatibles
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source file names are just a bad idea because all that means is sharing a codebase
But using both "Hx" and "Txxxx" is dodgy
in itself, too
(hopefully soon drivers/perf/apple_m1_cpu_pmu.c can support down to a7 so that kind of source naming is not all that freaky)
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apple,txxxx-adp is dodgy?
we do that for all the other soc blocks
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chadmed: the dodgy thing is apple,txxxx-something followed by apple,hxx-something
regardless of compatibility it's dodgy
oh yeah having both would suck. if we havent sent a PR up to torvalds yet then there may be time to get it changed
or did it go in through drm?
chadmed: drm-misc
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