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<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: #DebConf21 online continues today Saturday 28 August, at 12:00 UTC - have a look at the schedule for the day, ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: The last day at #DebConf21 online starts at 12:00 UTC with a talk about &#34;GoVarnam, a new &#39;Intelligent&#39; Input Method for Indian Languages in Desktop &amp; Mobile&#34; and, on channel 2, the first of a series of talks in Hindi: &#34;कोई भी मोबाइल उपयोगकर्ता मुक्त/स्वतन्त्र सॉफ्टवेयर में
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> कैसे स्थानांतरित कर सकता है &#34;(How can any mobile user migrate to free software), ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: At 13:00 UTC on channel one, two short talks: &#34;Latest updates about - Finding untouched bugs&#34; targetted to contributor or maintainer who want to fix bugs which are not related to packages they maintain, followed at 13:30 UTC by &#34;proposing a new d-i disk preparation tool, &#39;growlight&#39; &#34;, (
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: On channel two, the Hindi track continues at 13:00 UTC with three short talks: &#34;हिंदी में अनुवाद करने के लिए कार्यप्रणाली&#34; (How the translation workflow for Hindi works), &#34;Gaming in Debian&#34; explaining the ease of developing games in Debian (13:30), and डेबियन में योगदान कैसे
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> करें (How to Contribute to Debian) at 14:00 UTC, ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: Unfortunately the short talk &#34;हिंदी में अनुवाद करने के लिए कार्यप्रणाली&#34; (How the translation workflow for Hindi works) has been cancelled. We apologise for the inconveniences, keep an eye on the schedule for last minute changes (
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: The talks for 13:30 UTC slot have been cancelled too, sorry for the inconveniences. #DebConf21 will continue at 14:00 UTC ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: The short talk &#34;Debian for Open Science&#34; (14:00 UTC) is intended to put forth the idea and the means for Debian packages for Open Science and &#34;Looking Forward to Reproducible Builds&#34; (14:30 UTC) will highlight some recent developments, with an eye to what might happen as Debian embarks upon the &#34;Bookworm&#34; development cycle. Both talks on channel one,
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: &#34;डेबियन समुदाय आणि डेबियन सोबत माझा अनुभव&#34; (My experience with Debian community and Debian, in Marathi) explains how mentors and community members help to learn debian packaging, on channel two at 14:30 UTC, ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: From 14:50 UTC through 16:00 UTC #DebConf21 pauses for a break. Do you want to have a look at two DebConf21 songs, written by Andrew Cater? ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: We have organised a small Poetry Event in #DebConf21 during the evening break (18:45 UTC). If you have some poems you&#39;d like to share (yours or from a poet you like, no matter the language), follow the instructions to join us ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: Are you participating in #DebConf21? Wether you are a speaker or help in the video team, you&#39;re watching the stream or participating in the IRC channels, we&#39;d like you to be in the DebConf21 group photo! Follow the instructions to send your photo before DebConf finishes (today!) (
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: #DebConf21 online continues at 16:00 UTC with a talk in Telugu &#34;డెబియన్ ప్రాజెక్ట్ - అంతర్జాతీయ ఆపరేటింగ్ సిస్టంగా దాని సౌలబ్యథ మరియు రుపాంతర&#34; about Debian Project as international operating system on channel two; at the same time the short talk
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> &#34;Debuginfod on Debian&#34; in channel one explains what is a debuginfod server and how to use it, followed at 16:30 UTC by the talk &#34;Two Pinebooks walk into a bar...&#34; telling the tale of two arm64 laptops, ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: autopkgtest, a test automation tool for Debian packages, is a central part of the contemporary Debian release process and quality control efforts. The activity &#34;autopkgtest office hours&#34; (17:00 UTC) aim to help fellow maintainers with their questions about implementing or improving autopkgtest support for their packages, (
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: At 17:00 UTC, Debian Outreach will showcase the projects on which interns are currently working under Outreachy 2021 and also under Google Summer of Code 2021 (18:00). They will share their experience working with Debian. Follow the live streaming on channel two, ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: &#34;src:developers-reference wants your help\!&#34; The Debian developers-reference handbook (also available at ) is still the main reference for developers although many areas have become somewhat outdated… If you are looking for ways to improve Debian by writing and improving documentation and or translating it, this talk is for you on channel
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: #DebConf21 pauses for a break from 18:45 UTC through 20:00 UTC: it&#39;s just time to prepare cheese platter, to take out beverages from the fridge, and to open wine bottles. Don&#39;t miss the Cheese and Wine party online later! Other option is to follow the Poetry Event that is happening during the break, in channel two (
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: #DebConf21 will shortly be over, so we shall console ourselves with (notional) cheese and wine. Bring your own cheese, we’ll provide the company for the Closing Ceremony and Cheese and Wine party! ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: After the closing session, some Debian and DebConf volunteers continue the party online. Join us via the #debconf IRC channel (at #DebConf21 ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: The short talk &#34;Debian for Open Science&#34; (14:00 UTC) is intended to put forth the idea and the means for Debian packages for Open Science and &#34;Looking Forward to Reproducible Builds&#34; (14:30 UTC) will highlight some recent developments, with an eye to what might happen as Debian embarks upon the “Bookworm” development cycle. Both talks on channel one,
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: Thank you to all the people who made #DebConf21 possible! The DebConf organisation team, Debian Video Team, our speakers, volunteers, and attendees. Would you like to join for organising the next DebConf? If so visit and contact the DebConf team. ( )
<RSSBot[mambangmatrixorg][m]> Debian micronews: #DebConf21 online closes ( )