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<ezzieyguywuf> I have compiled mesa locally per, and (attempted to) included llvmpipe per . I'm unsure how to use this local llvmpipe though
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<ezzieyguywuf> I tried LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PWD}/build/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ vulkaninfo but this still just shows my system-wide llvmpipe
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<ezzieyguywuf> I thought about using VK_DRIVER_FILES but I'm not sure which icd file is appropriate
<ezzieyguywuf> I tried VK_DRIVER_FILES=${PWD}/build/install/share/vulkan/icd.d/lvp_icd.x86_64.json but again this seems to return my system-wide llvmpipe
<airlied> run meson devenv
<airlied> that is the right json file for lavapipe
<airlied> maybe try VK_ICD_FILENAMES
<pendingchaos> "meson devenv -C builddir command" should work
<pendingchaos> lvp_icd.x86_64.json might have an absolute path to the shared object in the install directory, which would require running ninja install first
<ezzieyguywuf> also though I may be looking at the wrong part of vulkaninfo, I thought "GPU id : 0 (llvmpipe (LLVM 19.1.7, 256 bits))" meant "mesa 19.1.7" but I don't think that's right
<pendingchaos> no, that's the llvm version
<pendingchaos> search for "driverVersion" in the output
<ezzieyguywuf> b/c I also see " driverInfo = Mesa 25.1.0-devel (git-3c0e0c3d04) (LLVM 19.1.7)" elsewhere
<ezzieyguywuf> that's def newer than my system version
<ezzieyguywuf> > run meson devenv < do I still need to do this? what does this accomplish?
<pendingchaos> runs a command with the VK_DRIVER_FILES environment variables
<pendingchaos> it works for GL too and you might find it more convenient to use than the environment variables, with less typing and no ninja install step needed
<ezzieyguywuf> gotcha
<ezzieyguywuf> so I'm happy with how things look with this local build, is it possible to install it alongside my system-wide mesa? e.g. my specify --prefix to /usr/local or smthn?
<pendingchaos> for vulkan, it should pick that up without any env vars needed and both will be listed in vulkaninfo, but might order it before the system-wide mesa:
<pendingchaos> not sure how it works for other apis
<ezzieyguywuf> > but might order it before < this is fine, I want to add logic to my renderer anyways to pick the gpu/driver with the right features
<ezzieyguywuf> thanks for the help
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<tarceri> Its blocked a bunch of MRs from landing today already
<airlied> tarceri: rb sent
<tarceri> airlied: thanks
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<MrCooper> is HDR supposed to work via non-atomic KMS, specifically the Colorspace & HDR_OUTPUT_METADATA properties?
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<tzimmermann> javierm, no comments on the rest of the sysfb series?
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<javierm> tzimmermann: sorry, I couldn't finish but I plan to continue later today or tomorrow morning
<tzimmermann> ok
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<dj-death> alyssa: so just FYI, dynamically uniform is less strong that what the divergence analysis gives
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<glehmann> how?
<glehmann> I could only see that happening if you have invocations for different draws in one subgroup. If all invocations are from one subgroup, dynamically uniform values will always be not divergent
<tzimmermann> jfalempe, thanks for the ast review. the draw functions and the format helpers have common code for converting pixel formats. i have a few patches to share the per-pixel functions. i'll post em today or tomorrow
<glehmann> of course it's possible that divergence analysis can't prove that a value is not divergent, but for things like push constant loads you would typically solve that by forcing the array index to be uniform in the backend isel
<jfalempe> tzimmermann: ah thanks, I have this on my todo-list for quite some time ;)
<tzimmermann> it's just the start
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<lumag> jani, I'd like to push out The CI on Xe doesn't show any issues and i915 seems to be unrelated. Are you okay with that?
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<alyssa> dj-death: uh?
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<jani> lumag: make it so
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