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<pcercuei> playing Quake on Darkplaces 2014.05.13, with etnaviv on 5.12-rc3, on a GC860: it has quite a few graphical issues
<pcercuei> black or corrupted textures mostly
<austriancoder> pcercuei: nir or tgsi?
<pcercuei> austriancoder: NIR
<pcercuei> I can try with TGSI
<austriancoder> pcercuei: what mesa version?
<pcercuei> Mesa 20.3.4
<austriancoder> pcercuei: sure.. give it a try
<austriancoder> pcercuei: can also try mesa master or 21.0.0?
<pcercuei> ah, the game does say this: "GL_OES_texture_3d reported bogus GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE, disabled"
<austriancoder> hmm.. would need to look at the darkplaces source to see what's check here.. but I am not in front of a pc/laptop.
* austriancoder has made a note in his todo list
<pcercuei> Hmm, I get this trying to build Mesa 21.0.0... output/gcw0/build/mesa3d-21.0.0/ ERROR: Value none is not boolean (true or false).
<pcercuei> That's strange, this did not change since 20.3.4
<pcercuei> btw, no change whatsoever with TGSI
<marex> pcercuei: some of your config option is set to =none instead of =false , no ?
<marex> pcercuei: or you left some config option that was removed
<pcercuei> don't know. I'm trying to build it with Buildroot
<marex> pcercuei: which config options are passed to the build ?
<marex> maybe some -Dosmesa=none is there ? remove it, osmesa was removed from mesa
<pcercuei> marex: that was it, thanks
<marex> sure
<pcercuei> austriancoder: same thing with Mesa 21.0.0
<marex> pcercuei: did it ever work before ?
<pcercuei> No idea. It's the first time I try it
<marex> so maybe it was always broken
<marex> pcercuei: here is an opportunity to get into etnaviv development :)
<marex> pcercuei: it's a lot of suffering, dreadfully slow progress, combing through little to no documentation ... in short, fun
<pcercuei> marex: oh don't worry, I have my own panel of projects to suffer with
<marex> pcercuei: surely you have space for one more ? :-)
<pcercuei> Not really. Starting a new job in a few days
<pcercuei> And I am involved into etnaviv development, I report bugs ;)
<marex> pcercuei: the next step is to report them with patch attached
<marex> pcercuei: good luck
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