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<tomeu> austriancoder: btw, just stumbled upon this in galcore:
<tomeu> gctUINT32 threadAllocation = gcmALIGN_NP2(groupsizeX * groupsizeY, db->NumShaderCores * 4)/db->NumShaderCores * 4;
<tomeu> which matches my observation
<tomeu> my current problem is that anything above 0x4 will hang the GPU
<tomeu> but that doesn't happen to galcore with the same cmdstream
<tomeu> so I'm seeing if I need to initialize the HW differently in order to "activate" those shaders
<austriancoder> tomeu: -ENOTIME .. but I have seen something like this on GC2000: groupsizeX * groupsizeY * groupsizeZ / (NumShaderCores * 4)
* austriancoder is quite sorry for the delay
<tomeu> yeah, unfortauntely that was already known :(
<tomeu> but we even have some bits about images in _ProgramPPUCommand
<tomeu> but just confirm things we already knew
<austriancoder> I think I can spend more time to help out in 2-3 weeks
<austriancoder> maybe you get it working by then :)
<tomeu> don't worry, no rush
<tomeu> I surely hope!
<tomeu> or at least work around it
<tomeu> I'm really close to run the whole pipeline in tensorflow lite, I think this is the last operation
<austriancoder> nice
<tomeu> yay! finally got to run inference correctly with etnaviv :)
<tomeu> worked around that cores limitation by reducing the number of workgroups on the tflite side
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<tomeu> does anybody know what is this flop reset think in galcore?
<lynxeye> tomeu: My _guess_ is that it's kind of a internal state reset, so you can't leak information from one context to another.
<tomeu> hmm, that sounds pausible
<tomeu> lynxeye: do you have any idea of what the galcore ko may be doing so that when userspace submits THREAD_ALLOCATION values higher than 0x4, the HW doesn't hang?
<tomeu> for identical cmdstream, ioctl dumps and shaders, I get a hang with etnaviv but not with galcore
<lynxeye> Nope, sorry. Haven't really looked at this part of the HW/blob.
<tomeu> np
<tomeu> lynxeye: austriancoder : btw, don't know if this was already known, but I have just stumbled upon a new source of info on the ISA in galcore:
<tomeu> they are showing even how the dot product EVIS instruction is encoded!
<austriancoder> tomeu: that's new to me.. nice
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