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<cmeissl[m]> I managed to use the etnaviv drm interface for drawing some stuff using the 2d gpu on an i.mx6 dual. Now I am trying to replace etna_cmd_stream_finish with etna_cmd_stream_flush2 and wait on the returned fence fd, but it seems the fd is always signaled. Anyone an idea what I might be missing?
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<cphealy> cmeissl[m]: out of curiosity, what is the goal with using the 2D GPU?
<cmeissl[m]> <cphealy> "cmeissl: out of curiosity..." <- Offloading composition in a wayland compositor. Most parts already work fine, still some issues with crop and rotate when using the VR blitter. The goal of using the fence is to block the main thread less by ideally handing the fence fd to kms.
<cmeissl[m]> The few examples I found for the 2d core all use finish, which works fine. Doing the same as finish, which is waiting in the pipe for the timestamp, also works fine. But the returned fence fd is always ready, so without finish or the pipe wait, I get tearing.
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