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<tomeu> lynxeye: have made lots of progress on the NPU tflite delegate, but I'm stumbled by the GPU hanging every time I try to use the 8th NN core
<tomeu> the cmd stream and all buffers are bit identical
<tomeu> do you have any suggestions on how to debug this further?
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<austriancoder> tomeu: maybe have a look at the registers that get written/read by the kernel driver
<tomeu> austriancoder: is there any tooling that would make this easier?
<tomeu> guess I should also decode all the cmdstream that the kernel generates
<austriancoder> tomeu: the galcore kernel driver has some kind of infra in place that needs to be enabled. Just have a look at e.g. gckOS_WriteRegisterEx(..) and the usage of gcmkHEADER_ARG(..)
<austriancoder> tomeu: yeah.. having a look at the cmdstreams the kernel generates might be also helpful. Maybe they are also using their debug infra for this.
<tomeu> I was thinking of some scripts in etna_viv to decode registers, cmdstream, etc
<austriancoder> for cmdstream there is something:
<tomeu> ok, thanks, will give that a try
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