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<cphealy> dv: do you have any thoughts on what userspace API to use? NXP has done several NXP 2D APIs in the past. The challenge I've seen is there is no common/standard 2D API that exists so each implementation is custom which results in non-upstreamable compositor changes.
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<marex> ../git/src/gallium/drivers/etnaviv/etnaviv_rs.c:302: etna_rs_gen_clear_surface: Assertion `!"" "bpp not supported for clear by RS"' failed.
<marex> bam ... because bpp == 8 in this case, which is not handled by the RS
<marex> austriancoder: ^ are you aware of that ? I guess this is a matter of specifying the right format for RS in that switch-case ?
<austriancoder> marex: yep.. I am aware of it and it is triggered by some piglits. RS has no 8 bpp format and I think I have a hacky fix for it in a local branch. Sadly I am not in front of a computer. I can ping you if you want and prep an MR tomorrow/on Monday.
<marex> austriancoder: is it something like use 16bpp format and shorter buffer ?
<marex> austriancoder: I can test it if that would be useful