ChanServ changed the topic of #etnaviv to: #etnaviv - the home of the reverse-engineered Vivante GPU driver - Logs
SpieringsAE has joined #etnaviv
<SpieringsAE> I doubt this is the place to ask it, but I am having a weird problem with graphics on the imx8mp. For some reason drm is initializing in 2 steps, but this second step is very late, as in like 12 seconds after init
<SpieringsAE> it can be seen at the end of this log
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szemzoa has joined #etnaviv
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pcercuei has joined #etnaviv
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<pcercuei> marex, austriancoder you guys are going to fosdem?
mvlad has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<marex> pcercuei: yes, see you there ?
<marex> pcercuei: embedded devroom most of sat.
<pcercuei> I guess so! I'll be talking there as well
<marex> pcercuei: nice