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<georgem> Is there any way to see etnaviv % GPU load/usage?
<austriancoder> georgem: I just finished a wip thing:
<georgem> nice!
<austriancoder> uses fdinfo infra in the kernel and in userspace gputop consumes it - not changes needed there
<austriancoder> georgem: need to put the changes into smaller git commits and then I will send the patch series to lkml
<georgem> perfect
<austriancoder> georgem: if there is a urgent need I can share what I have
<georgem> I'd love to try it out but don't want to inconvenience you. If it's easy for you to push it somewhere that would be great but if it's a hassle it can wait.
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<austriancoder> georgem: be warned I just got it working about 20 minutes ago - there might be bugs :)
<georgem> hehe. thanks!
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<georgem> austriancoder: which gputop userspace tool are you using? I see a bunch of vendor specific tools and some Web based tool named gputop.
<georgem> oh ok. thanks! somehow I didn't find that one :)
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