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<pairisto[m]> is there a way to map a ioctl op code to where its called? I have the number 32768 every time an application access my TUN driver directly and I am mot sure what the op code means? I've looked at Drivers.h but I only find B_DEVICE_OP_CODES_END as the largest at 9999
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<TkTech> pairisto[m]: That's suspiciously close to the maximum value of a signed short
<TkTech> Feels like you're getting a default value
<waddlesplash> it's just 0x8000
<waddlesplash> pretty common magic value for certain ioctls to start at really
<waddlesplash> in particular it could be TCGETA?
<waddlesplash> yeah, that'
<waddlesplash> s probably what it is
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