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hi enunes, I noticed your comment on my issue, I'm very grateful that you found time to analyze the issue.
gamiee: np, I tried to find you here before about that
I'm stepping through it now to see what we can do about it
maybe it would be good to also look into Buildroot and see if disabling dri3 there is intentional, I would guess it isn't
enunes: thanks! I was busy last days so I wasn't on IRC (and I don't have bouncer yet)
about the buildroot, I analyzed it just now, and it looks like that Buildroot doesn't know that lima needs dri3, so it intentionally disables it.
But I have another question to you enunes : does lima in mesa3d requires dri3 or no? (I'm really not sure how all the display stack works)
gamiee: it probably shouldn't, but it has been around for a while now and I would guess all distributions have it enabled by now, which is why nobody noticed that so far
gamiee: there is some confusion around that in Buildroot. dri3 is not the same as 'dri drivers', dri drivers are the classic non-gallium type of drivers, where as dri3 is the infrastructure that drivers use to accelerate rendering
enunes: ahh makes sense why it works good on Armbian then. About the dri3, it's kinda confusing, I will try to read something about architecture.
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iirc difference between dri3 and dri2 is where BO is allocated
for dri2 it's on server side, for dri3 it's on client side