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anarsoul: ...or he just reads the logs :)
In general, the logs are of really high value to me, as they give a lot of context.
I should probably switch to Matrix, although I can't find any mention of it in the docs.
sarbes: you can use matrix bridge
look up oftc irc matrix bridge
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sarbes: I'm not sure if odroid c2 can run mainline kernel
I generally use archlinuxarm on all of my boards
I set it up using arch-install-scripts, i.e. on a working board pacstrap, arch-chroot, setup the system and that's pretty much it
you have to have a bootloader either on SPI flash (I use towboot - it's u-boot distro - on majority of my boards) or manually install it to SD or eMMC
once you have bootloader you can use extlinux/extlinux.conf in your rootfs to specify boot files (dtb, kernel, initrd) and parameters
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nickserv authentication via matrix bridge is more involved that I expected :)
Arch has a turnkey image for the Odroid C2, which I have installed. I just have to do the legwork to set everything up.
The poor thing is compiling vanilla Mesa now.
I don't have hardware acceleration atm, but one step at the time :).