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<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: do you know anything about wifi/bt problems on nyan?
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<hexdump0815> jenneron[m]: i'm not aware of any serious problems - wifi worked fine for me and the little bt testing i think also at least showed some bt devices - last kernel i tested was v6.1 though
<hexdump0815> what kind of wifi/bt problems do you (or someone else) see?
<jenneron[m]> thanks
<jenneron[m]> nothing important
<jenneron[m]> someone reported that it is broken on pmOS
<jenneron[m]> without even opening an issue
<hexdump0815> btw. with the mt8183 video decoding addition you recently added to pmos kernel will hw vdec then work together well with the new v4l2-m2m support making its way into the firefox nightlies?
<jenneron[m]> my wifi/bt is broken in hardware, so I can't test it and I will ignore it for now
<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: I think it uses v4l2-request. it works fine for me with
<jenneron[m]> but v4l2m2m is another API
<hexdump0815> ok - thx for the info