ChanServ changed the topic of #linux-cros-arm to:
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KREYREN_oftc has joined #linux-cros-arm
<KREYREN_oftc> yooooooooo i have teres and do magic with it
<KREYREN_oftc> mps told me to check this room
hexdump01 has quit []
hexdump0815 has joined #linux-cros-arm
<mps> KREYREN_oftc: \o
<jenneron[m]> KREYREN_oftc: what device do you have?
<KREYREN_oftc> jenneron[m], OLIMEX Teres-I
<jenneron[m]> hmm, how is it related to this room?
<KREYREN_oftc> it's arm
<KREYREN_oftc> and i have no idea what this room is
<KREYREN_oftc> i see linux i see arm and something cross
<KREYREN_oftc> so making logical assumptions
<jenneron[m]> "cros" in the name means "chrome os"
<jenneron[m]> does this device use depthcharge bootloader or something?
<jenneron[m]> there is btw #aarch64-laptops room, but i think it is for qualcomm laptops mostly
<KREYREN_oftc> > <jenneron[m]> does this device use depthcharge bootloader or something? < are you asking me if i can get depthcharge to run on it?
<jenneron[m]> no
<jenneron[m]> i'm asking if it uses it by default
<KREYREN_oftc> not that i am aware
<jenneron[m]> there is no point of making it working on your device if it's not the default
<KREYREN_oftc> i know that's why you have to be afraid what you ask for around me and teres
<jenneron[m]> ehh, i just want an understanding here
<KREYREN_oftc> s/afraid/careful
<jenneron[m]> this room is for chrome os laptops (chromebooks)
<jenneron[m]> you can be here of course and ask something if you want
<jenneron[m]> just letting you know about the topic
<jenneron[m]> since it may not be something you're looking for
<KREYREN_oftc> i was mostly just told that there are some people from pmOS and some other who works with arms
<jenneron[m]> yep
<KREYREN_oftc> so this depthcharge bootloader what it is
<jenneron[m]> it is the bootloader we have to deal with
<jenneron[m]> on chromebooks
<KREYREN_oftc> proprietary or something?
<KREYREN_oftc> can i make teres compatibility for it
<jenneron[m]> you really don't want it..
<jenneron[m]> if you have u-boot support
<KREYREN_oftc> ye but it sounds like fun
<jenneron[m]> that's not fun, just use u-boot
<jenneron[m]> much easier and more feasible
<KREYREN_oftc> are there any benefits
<jenneron[m]> KREYREN_oftc: nope