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<Tofe> Hi! I'd like to upstream a new dts (for apq8060-tenderloin), but it's still very WIP... will it be ok to propose it anyway ?
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<krzk> Tofe: depends what do you want to achieve with this sending. Comments? Merging?
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<Tofe> krzk: well, comments would be nice, but also merging would facilitate if someone else wants to improve it later on
<krzk> Tofe: if you want to merge, something has to be mergeable, so working. If you want comments, then RFC with explanation in cover letter and you can always propose.
<krzk> stuff which is full of WIP and development comments or code, usually is not mergeable, but people understand WIP differently, so the best if you are detailed in the question
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<Tofe> krzk: thanks, I'll think a bit more about what I what with this dts :)
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