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<niej_> jessica_24: Hi, I am testing CWB patch set with quad-pipe patch, and see issue of maxlinewidth limitation(4096). The current panel is 4320 with 4 LM. So your help is needed to anwser 2 questions.
<niej_> 1. Is it possible to configure WB to capture half of screen?
<niej_> 2. How to capture just a picture with full screen 4320x2160?
<niej_> half of screen for video capture, full screen for picture capture.
<niej_> 2. maxlinewidth issue is see from Subtest check-valid-clones failure.
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<jessica_24> hey niej, since maxlinewidth is checked against the full fb->width, I don't think there's a way to only partially capture a screen/fb
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