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<veremitz> anyone good with device-tree here? I'm trying to create an overlay to enable some gpio LEDs via sysfs/led-class on a pine64 (to prove concept) and later onto an orangepi-zero board. I think I've got the format basically right, but need some tips specifying the actual pin ref.s...
<veremitz> TIA :)
<veremitz> underlying OS is armbian fwiw
<veremitz> - well it compiles .. :D
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<wens> You don't need the fragment@ and __overlay__ nodes, the compiler will add them automatically
<wens> if you want to test if it stacks correctly, you could include the base dts in your overlay and see if it compiles.
<wens> and since you have phandle references, you need to make sure that the base dtb was compiled with overlay support
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<veremitz> figured it :D just need to sort how to use the include for some definitions :D
<veremitz> aha I will chop those out and re-test
<veremitz> thanks!
<daschaos> Hey guys, do you know why the watchdog is set to status="reserved" for T113/D1s. I needed to set it to status="okay" on my devicetree to get reboot working for T113 based board.
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<Okhunjon007> Hello, I am new here. I have been working on all-winner boards. I wanted to test if my message can be seen.
<daschaos> Hello, it looks good, i can see your message 🙂
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<apritzel> daschaos: the watchdog question came up lately:;
<apritzel> so short term solution is to enable this watchdog using some -u-boot.dtsi "overlay" file
<apritzel> I will probably make this part of the initial post
<daschaos> Ah thanks, okay it seems reasonable. But I never have seen that before.
<apritzel> daschaos: it's somewhat of a hack, and ideally shouldn't be needed, but at least it's universally integrated in the U-Boot build system, so we don't need to invent something
<apritzel> and it would be temporarily only anyway (I hope)
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