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<veremitz> has anyone tried to set up a bootsplash on an SPI display on an OrangePi or similar? Ideally I'd love to get it 'up'/on in uboot, but I'm not sure how viable that is, so perhaps plymouth is my better bet?
<veremitz> controller appears to be a ST7735
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<veremitz> looks useful .. I dunno whether this could be ported over to uboot ..
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<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: okay so ripping up an old usb cable works just fine for thjs
<youmukonpaku1337> and i can get.... 10fps in kmscube
<youmukonpaku1337> so its an improvement
<youmukonpaku1337> now problem is
<youmukonpaku1337> i have no gles2 or desktop gl with lima
<youmukonpaku1337> only egl1.5 and i doubt its working properly
<youmukonpaku1337> i do have 480m bandwidth now at least
<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: well, you are aware that the A13 is more than 10 years old and has among the simplest Mali chip ever?
<youmukonpaku1337> yes
<youmukonpaku1337> the mali 400
<youmukonpaku1337> however lima mentions it as supporting desktop gl 2.0 and gles 2
<youmukonpaku1337> in the docs
<apritzel> ... to some extent.
<youmukonpaku1337> to some extent, sure
<youmukonpaku1337> but like
<youmukonpaku1337> atm its to NO extent
<apritzel> so you have something to debug now!
<youmukonpaku1337> oh great
<youmukonpaku1337> first i fuck with graphics drivers on my phone
<youmukonpaku1337> now i fuck with graphics drivers for an 11 year old mali gpu
<youmukonpaku1337> alright
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: so, where to start?
<youmukonpaku1337> dmesg ill guess?
<apritzel> well, you asked for it: to use some super wimpy board for something it was never designed for ;-)
<apritzel> I know next to nothing about lima or GPUs, really, but I'd start with some glxinfo or so, to list supported APIs?
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: thats fair but if it has a gpu that is supposed to technically work i will at least try to make it work
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: yeah eglinfo lists lima as gles 1.5 but es2info and glxinfo just show llvmpipe
<apritzel> and are you sure that your GUD driver picks up the Mali rendered buffer? Not that it silently falls back to software rendering?
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<apritzel> because the Lima support page explicitly lists some known good display drivers, but GUD is not among them
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: yes im pretty sure it does use mali at least in like
<youmukonpaku1337> kmscube
<apritzel> and an additional note: IIRC the sunxi MUSB glue driver does not support DMA, so any USB gadget is CPU intensive, especially one that transport a lot of data
<youmukonpaku1337> it shows as such in log and does not start with llvmpipe so
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: yeah id assume so lol
<youmukonpaku1337> i mean anything would be cpu intensive on this thing
<youmukonpaku1337> so meh
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