_whitelogger has joined #msm8937-mainline
Danct12 changed the topic of #msm8937-mainline to: Boot Linux on your MSM8917/37/40 and QM215 mobile! | GitHub: https://github.com/msm89x7-mainline | Logs: https://oftc.irclog.whitequark.org/msm8937-mainline
<Danct12> irc logging is now available at: https://oftc.irclog.whitequark.org/msm8937-mainline
<hacker420[m]> me building mainline to this song
<Danct12> I listen to AViVA for most mainline sessions
<hacker420[m]> yes
<hacker420[m]> this too
<Danct12> aviva gives me the POWER
<Danct12> get back your time instead of losing it again
<hacker420[m]> btw
<hacker420[m]> why don't I get anything in dmesg when I modprobe stuff
<hacker420[m]> like wcnss or remoteproc modules
<hacker420[m]> bruh
<hacker420[m]> yeah no fucking shit I don't get anything
<hacker420[m]> the nodes aren't there
<Danct12> i only tested a part of the tree lol
<hacker420[m]> I meant nodes aren't in my dts
<Danct12> ah
<hacker420[m]> also I am using my fork
<hacker420[m]> lanik123: any idea what that is
<Danct12> looks like i/o error if that's linux errno
<Danct12> check reserved-memory
<hacker420[m]> I have wcnss-mem enabled
<lanik123[m]> hacker420[m]: > <@hacker420:kde.org> ```... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/JQBghFacomrlqNZFRNZgzYdc>)
<lanik123[m]> hacker420[m]: > <@hacker420:kde.org> ```... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/XnQklGXxUGHWRwNtFEsjhZCO>)
<hacker420[m]> nope
<lanik123[m]> So wcn couldn't load fw... Do you booted into ui?
<hacker420[m]> yes
<lanik123[m]> Check logs of networkmanager
<hacker420[m]> looks like msm-fw-loader loaded everything fine
<hacker420[m]> s/loaded/mounted/
<hacker420[m]> Jan 4 21:31:06 motorola-cedric daemon.notice [4232]: <msg> [base-manager] couldn't check support for device '/sys/devices/platform/soc@0/a204000.remoteproc/remoteproc/remoteproc0/remoteproc0:smd-edge/remoteproc0:smd-edge.WCNSS_CTRL.-1.-1/a204000.remoteproc:smd-edge:wcnss:wifi': not supported by any plugin
<hacker420[m]> Jan 4 21:31:13 motorola-cedric daemon.err NetworkManager[4119]: <error> [333073.2279] device (wlan0): Couldn't initialize supplicant interface: GDBus.Error:fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.UnknownError: wpa_supplicant couldn't grab this interface.
<hacker420[m]> Jan 4 21:31:12 motorola-cedric daemon.warn NetworkManager[4119]: <warn> [333072.7956] device (wlan0): re-acquiring supplicant interface (#1).
<hacker420[m]> ip a shows it
<jojo_autoboy[m]> <hacker420[m]> "[ 156.290853] wcn36xx: ERROR..." <- > <@hacker420:kde.org> ```... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/nTfrksTdyYzVJnzmcTAxYtNF>)
<hacker420[m]> did you fix it
<jojo_autoboy[m]> no
<lanik123[m]> hacker420[m]: > <@hacker420:kde.org> ```... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/BUjOpvtXqPeCTjcwIVqOrgzZ>)
<lanik123[m]> * It's very strange, NetwrokManager usually die before this without fw
<Danct12[m]> is interconnect required for wcnss?
<Danct12[m]> thats one thing i have yet to add
<barni2000[m]> Danct12[m]: i don't think so
<lanik123[m]> Danct12[m]: interconnect is never required anywhere, but many driver recommend adding it
<barni2000[m]> yes but almost everything should work with out it
<Danct12[m]> ah okay
<Danct12[m]> i heard somewhere that you'd need interconnect for display and other stuffs to work properly
<barni2000[m]> Danct12[m]: no need
<barni2000[m]> i have tested on yesterday with msm8953 devices
<barni2000[m]> only some properties in dts what is related to interconnect can cause issues
luka177[m] has joined #msm8937-mainline
<hacker420[m]> <lanik123[m]> "> <@hacker420:kde.org> ```..." <- hm what if I add your wifi commits
<lanik123[m]> You can try, also I can share my pmos tree for you
<lanik123[m]> * You can try, I can also share my pmos tree for you
<lanik123[m]> lanik123[m]: Danct12: wsa is the family of sound codec
<Danct12[m]> got it
<Danct12[m]> i looked at qcom glossary page on pmos wiki and didnt see it so not sure what it was
<Danct12[m]> the commit is all about the difference between msm8917 and 8937 pinctrl driver
<Danct12[m]> diff'd it from msm-4.9 tree
<barni2000[m]> hacker420: can you show your wcn related nodes?
<hacker420[m]> in dts?
<hacker420[m]> I just got this
<barni2000[m]> hacker420[m]: > <@hacker420:kde.org> ```... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/aJsuCmUXHhpyFsRNdqJDxfuD>)
<hacker420[m]> in the dtsi
<barni2000[m]> do you have wcn3620?
<hacker420[m]> yes
<barni2000[m]> but the regualators are missing
<barni2000[m]> but you should find the correct values
<barni2000[m]> maybe it will be similar l9 and l19 is related to wcn on xiaomi-land
<jojo_autoboy[m]> i knew something was off when there wasn't regulators defined
f_ has joined #msm8937-mainline
<f_> oh hi
asriel has joined #msm8937-mainline
<f_> Danct12: how good is the support for MSM8917?
<Danct12> no idea
<f_> I happen to have a xiaomi-mi8937/xiaomi-ugglite laying around
<Danct12> but i originally base my work on top of a msm8917 tree
<Danct12> so it *should* work
<Danct12> better than 8937/8940 :P
<Danct12> also fwih msm8917 has the best iommu while 8937 is cursed af
<f_> one other questionb
<jojo_autoboy[m]> that's what i was wondering too
<Danct12> i have a mirror on github so what now
<Danct12> gitlab*
<barni2000[m]> but git works from commandline
<barni2000[m]> you can use git format-patch and we can use git am
minecrell has joined #msm8937-mainline
<f_> Oh?
<f_> Does that work with GitHub?
<jojo_autoboy[m]> ...yeah?
<f_> can I send patches from the command line without using the UI?
<minecrell> f_: I assume you want full Git patches send via IRC messages? IRC FOR EVERYTHING? :p
<f_> minecrell: no, IRC is terrible for sending git patches
<f_> Matrix is even worse.
<barni2000[m]> minecrell: thats what i was thinking about
<jojo_autoboy[m]> f_: isn't that how git works?
<minecrell> would be interesting to implement the Git protocol on top of IRC and then use that IRC log Danct12 set up for the clone and fetch operations
<f_> With git you git send-email
<f_> and you send the email to a mailing list..
<jojo_autoboy[m]> gosh what is up with irc still being a thing
<f_> jojo_autoboy[m]: IRC will never die.
<f_> That's something you must acknowledge :)
<f_> jojo_autoboy[m]: I'm sure matrix will die in the next decade
<f_> IRC will never die.
<f_> That's a fact.
<hacker420[m]> f_: kek why not
<hacker420[m]> f_: my ass
<f_> hacker420[m]: I don't mind jokes but please be respectful :P
<hacker420[m]> saying irc will never die is a statement which you can't confirm
<f_> I can confirm said statement.
<f_> It was created in the 1980s, yet new IRC networks are still emerging.
<f_> Danct12's secret network, libera, etc
<Danct12> this isn't a flamewar channel, please take it elsewhere :P
<Danct12> #postmarketos-offtopic for example
<jojo_autoboy[m]> that place is a hellhole
<f_> Danct12: I didn't flame anyone :P
<hacker420[m]> anyway
<hacker420[m]> lanik123: you have the right clocks for msm8937?
<jojo_autoboy[m]> the fact that the 8939 still doesn't have proper clock stuff doesn't aspire confidence
<jojo_autoboy[m]> hm thinking of the wrong thing then
<hacker420[m]> <barni2000[m]> "```..." <- > <@barni2000:matrix.org> ```... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/OjkIeewmNlzjpIJzjdDdgxHY>)
<hacker420[m]> downstream
<barni2000[m]> <barni2000[m]> "https://github.com/LineageOS/..."; <- thats what i have sent
<hacker420[m]> though
<hacker420[m]> `qcom,iris-vddrfa-voltage-level = <1300000 0 1300000>;`
<jojo_autoboy[m]> i like to cross verify with schematics if you have them for your phone
<hacker420[m]> except the schematics don't seem to list voltages anywhere
<hacker420[m]> and this is los downstream for motorola
<jojo_autoboy[m]> the reg names are usually like "1p8" aka 1.8v
<barni2000[m]> check the original downstream dt
<barni2000[m]> i had some issues with schematics they are not so reliable
<hacker420[m]> regulator-min-microvolt = <0x12b128>;
<hacker420[m]> regulator-max-microvolt = <0x149970>;
<barni2000[m]> it is form your device or from the sources?
<hacker420[m]> device
<jojo_autoboy[m]> yeah that's a decompiled dt
<barni2000[m]> from recovery or os?
<hacker420[m]> os iirc
<hacker420[m]> meh
<barni2000[m]> because i have seen invailed regulator values in orangefox and twrp
<hacker420[m]> jojo_autoboy[m]: so that would match with mainline
<barni2000[m]> s/invailed/invalid/
<jojo_autoboy[m]> hacker420[m]: > <@hacker420:kde.org> ```... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EVwnXQwHkJynCYCgfjrilkOs>)
<hacker420[m]> max too?
<jojo_autoboy[m]> hmm
<jojo_autoboy[m]> 1350000
<jojo_autoboy[m]> yeah
<lanik123[m]> <hacker420[m]> "lanik123: you have the right..." <- ? I don't understand what you mean
<hacker420[m]> lanik123[m]: danct seems to reuse msm8917 clocks for 8937
<hacker420[m]> was asking if you have the correct clocks for 8937
<hacker420[m]> jojo_autoboy[m]: yolo then
<lanik123[m]> hacker420[m]: msm8937 has almost the same clocks as 8917
<hacker420[m]> so guess the slowness is coming from somewhere else
<lanik123[m]> hacker420[m]: apcs/cpu pll
<jojo_autoboy[m]> hmmm what about cpr?
<lanik123[m]> It's required at an early stage
<lanik123[m]> Even without it cpu freq should be normal
<lanik123[m]> * It's not required at
<hacker420[m]> also think this might be worth fixing
<hacker420[m]> [ 0.431974] gcc_oxili_ahb_clk status stuck at 'off'
<hacker420[m]> [ 0.429396] Missing qcom_smmu_impl_of_match entry for: 1c40000.iommu
<hacker420[m]> hm
<hacker420[m]> will rebuilding and sideloading the kernel package update the kernel modules?
<hacker420[m]> if I used the --envkernel option during build
<hacker420[m]> <lanik123[m]> "Even without it cpu freq..." <- it's normal on your fork?
<lanik123[m]> <hacker420[m]> "it's normal on your fork?" <- I haven't checked yet with debugcc but I think it's ok
<hacker420[m]> did you check on a device?
<lanik123[m]> hacker420[m]: I haven't yet tested anything in 6.6 except gpu,dsi and gcc
<lanik123[m]> On 5.17 it's work fine
<hacker420[m]> you have a working gpu and panel on 8937?
<lanik123[m]> Yep, but need some magic with gcc and smmu
<lanik123[m]> * but need do some magic
<hacker420[m]> would be worth it to upstream this to danct's fork
<lanik123[m]> <hacker420[m]> "would be worth it to upstream..." <- I don't think so becouse smmu patch is very ugly and smmu doesn't work properly on our SoCs
<lanik123[m]> s/becouse/because/
asriel has quit [Quit: Don't drink the water. They put something in it to make you forget.]
asriel has joined #msm8937-mainline
<lanik123[m]> Hmmm
<hacker420[m]> <lanik123[m]> "I don't think so becouse smmu..." <- maybe other stuff then?
<lanik123[m]> lanik123[m]: Or it can be done...
<Danct12[m]> just port the whole smmu driver from downstream
<Danct12[m]> * from downstream /s
<lanik123[m]> lanik123[m]: I'll see what I can do with smmu later
<lanik123[m]> hacker420[m]: For example?
<hacker420[m]> fuelgauge and charger?
<lanik123[m]> It's better not to think about them. They're dead
<hacker420[m]> oh
<lanik123[m]> lanik123[m]: This will be highly device dependent
<hacker420[m]> maybe some of the other msm8937 changes you have?
<hacker420[m]> or just work on smmu
<hacker420[m]> until it's polished enough to be contributed back
<Danct12[m]> lanik123[m]: ig pmi8950 is just some reporting chip, and charging is handled by another IP?
<Danct12[m]> at least that's from what i see with msm8916 devices
<lanik123[m]> lanik123[m]: Artem was able to get charger and battery to work on santoni but without otg
<lanik123[m]> Danct12[m]: 50/50, It very much depends on how crazy manufacturer is
<lanik123[m]> lanik123[m]: On rolex I have charger smb358(similar with nexus) and battery controller cw2015(installed in some chromebooks)
<lanik123[m]> * with nexus 7 charger) and
<lanik123[m]> * For example in rolex I have charger smb358(similar with nexus 7 charger) and battery controller cw2015(installed in some chromebooks)
<jojo_autoboy[m]> from what ive seen i guess land works the same way as santoni?
<hacker420[m]> lanik123: or maybe try to check why msm8937 is slow in danct's fork
<hacker420[m]> kek my sudo broke for some reason
<hacker420[m]> I can't even fix it with a rootfs reinstall
<hacker420[m]> it just hangs
<hacker420[m]> what even
<hacker420[m]> guess I leave this conundrum for tomorrow