Danct12 changed the topic of #msm8937-mainline to: Boot Linux on your MSM8917/37/40 and QM215 mobile! | GitHub: https://github.com/msm89x7-mainline | Logs: https://oftc.irclog.whitequark.org/msm8937-mainline | Bridged to #msm8937-mainline:kde.org on Matrix
<dr_shui[m]> santoni was a505 gpu
<dr_shui[m]> maybe lanik's this commit will work?
<dr_shui[m]> if i need to use linux-mdss-dsi-panel-driver-generator to get santoni's drm working?
<barni2000[m]> you will need more commits from lanik's repository
<barni2000[m]> [ 62.506416] msm_mdp 901000.display-controller: pp done time out, lm=2
<dr_shui[m]> Can i use santoni’s dts from msm89x7-mainline to msm8953-mainline ?
<barni2000[m]> no because many stuff is needed for msm8949
<barni2000[m]> s/msm8949/msm8940/