lanik123[m]: But I never understood why they abandoned that commit in new mainline if it's a prettier solution than doing something via lk2nd...
it contains stuffs from expriment branch also
<barni2000[m]> "SMMU is working with commits..." <- Now in my commit is a very simple and incomplete(some stuff like 64bit addressing is broken) implementation of MMU from downstream kernel written by junak and with few of my changes. I don't think we can send this to upstream xdd. I will update this comit a bit later
<barni2000[m]> "we have working interconnect..." <- Oh, that's cool. All icc clk's working?
it seems
<barni2000[m]> "this is my current working..." <- ty
* Now in my commit is a very simple and incomplete(some stuff like 64bit addressing is broken) implementation of MMU from downstream kernel written by junak and with few of my changes. I don't think we can send this mess to upstream xdd. I will update this commit a bit later