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<bbrezillon> robmur01, robclark: Mind chiming in to clarify the situation?
<bbrezillon> robclark: depending on what you do in your IOVA pre-reservation, it might work: if you pre-reserve for the worst case (i.e. the smaller pte granularity), you should have enough for all kind of map/unmap operations in this region
<bbrezillon> the main difference is that the map/unmap now happens in 2 distinct steps
<bbrezillon> 1. Allocate VA range
<bbrezillon> 2. map/unmap any number of time in this VA range
<bbrezillon> 3. When you're done with the region, free the VA range
<bbrezillon> If I map that to Vulkan sparse bindings, #1 would be done when you create your VkImage/VkBuffer, #2 would be done for any sparse binding op targetting this range reserved for the VkImage/Buffer, and #3 would be done when the VkImage/Buffer object is destroyed
<bbrezillon> mntirc: They should, but I must admit I didn't try
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<enunes> hi, do you have any recommendation for a board I can use to try some test applications on panvk which should work now?
<enunes> I have recently used Odroid-C4 (Amlogic S905X3, Mali-G31) but recently found out that meson-drm on it has very limited/no support for overlay planes, which makes it not very useful to test WSI stuff
<enunes> so I guess I'll need something which supports panvk, runs upstream kernel and is not amlogic
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<bbrezillon> enunes: we were using a VIM4 for the development, but that's still Amlogic
<bbrezillon> enunes: MT8192 Asurada Chromebook, maybe?
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<enunes> bbrezillon: chromebook sounds a bit more complicated :( I was thinking something like rockchip, but I don't know if those are well supported if I just put a mainline kernel on it
<daniels> yeah, 3566/3568 do work well with upstream kernel/mesa/etc, but well ... they are quad-A55
<enunes> that should be ok, I mostly want to run vulkan triangle on it, and need weston to be able to use overlay planes with the display hardware on it
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<daniels> it'll manage that, yeah
<daniels> (weston definitely does planes on that hw)
<enunes> I was surprised to see that meson-drm doesn't expose any usable overlay planes, so the other board I got unfortunately will not be very useful
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<alyssa> enunes: whatcha doing over in mali land?
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<ente`> Mali is not a place I'd want to visit anytime soon
<daniels> ente`: a curious choice of channel to be in
<enunes> alyssa: I started looking into vulkan wayland wsi and noticed each driver copied and pasted most of it with a different set of hacks, now that we have a handful of renderonly ones I'm trying to see if I can get them to a sane state
<daniels> enunes: thanks a lot for doing that :)
<enunes> panvk in particular seems to not care much about scanout, I don't know if that is a bug or a feature
<ente`> daniels: well, with the war and all that it's not a safe country to be in
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<daniels> ha
<daniels> enunes: neither really, just hasn't come up as important enough to implement
<alyssa> enunes: ah nice :)
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<mntirc> bbrezillon: yep, usb works now, this board has just so much USB that i needed a while to figure out which one i hadn't turned on yet. i now have our debian userland running and can load panthor, and HDMI works. just need to build mesa.
<mntirc> ok, so weston works, firefox works, very snappy. really cool!