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<rasterman> bbrezillon: yo yo
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<bbrezillon> rasterman: hey!
<rasterman> bbrezillon: hey hehy
<rasterman> sorry - was just fighting with my emmc io errors
<rasterman> i may have fixed it... grr rockchip...
<rasterman> bbrezillon: panthor... i didnt actually look ... but what firmware are you loading up for panthor for now?
<rasterman> i noticed the module loads... but i was "wtf? shouldn't i have to jump through some nasty "find the wright firmware" hoops?"
<rasterman> and then my next q...
<bbrezillon> I think I added a link to a repo in my patch series
<bbrezillon> let me check
<rasterman> not that i saw?
<rasterman> grep http 0*
<rasterman> 0028-dt-bindings-gpu-mali-valhall-csf-Add-support-for-Arm.patch:+$id:,mali-valhall-csf.yaml#
<rasterman> 0028-dt-bindings-gpu-mali-valhall-csf-Add-support-for-Arm.patch:+$schema:
<rasterman> aaah just ye olde ddk fw
<rasterman> at leats iw ant to make sure i have the same one ...
<bbrezillon> oh, yeah, we're using Arm's FWs
<rasterman> and just dump it in /lib/firmware as is?
<rasterman> doesnt expect it to be renamed or anything?
<bbrezillon> yep, /lib/firmware for now (will be changed to /lib/firmware/arm/mali/archX.Y in v4 though)
<rasterman> yeah - i thought it'd probably go to a subdir ...
<bbrezillon> for rk3588, that'd be arch10.8
<rasterman> and v10+panthor-v3+32b+g310+egl15+afrc+afbc is your latest branch - right?
<bbrezillon> the last branch that has received a decent amount of testing, yes
<rasterman> coolio
<rasterman> just so many :)
<bbrezillon> I know
<bbrezillon> I'm preparing panthor-v4 + updating the mesa branch accordingly
<rasterman> just have been beating my head against reems of i/o errors on my rootfs (on emmc) as well as bootloader weirdisms (didnt use the u-boot onboard - ended up hosing things with edk2 - had to rescue... finally have a serial console uboot worth talking about etc.) :)
<bbrezillon> but I didn't really test that yet. Once I'm sure it works okay, I'll probably kill a bunch of these branches
<rasterman> well once it's ready to give it a whirl - make some noise
<bbrezillon> sure
<rasterman> i suspect i'll find some oddities - i always seem to
<bbrezillon> oh, yeah, I don't doubt bugs still remain after my testing :D
<rasterman> i'm trying to catch up from being behind in tracking things over end of year/xmas etc. and as my rock5b arrived finally
<bbrezillon> cool!
<rasterman> other bifrost and midgard panfrost things seem fine. time to catch up on csf
<rasterman> btw - i'm rather impressed the panfork stuff worked (on top of a kbase but panfrost userspace)....
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<rasterman> bbrezillon: and as predicted... yup
<rasterman> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
<rasterman> 87 bo = pan_lookup_bo(dev, kmod_bo->handle);
<rasterman> kmod_bo is NULL of course
<rasterman> time for lunch then to figure out why
<rasterman> of course nothing is working. weston. kmscube (above), xorg... :)
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