alyssa changed the topic of #panfrost to: Panfrost - FLOSS Mali Midgard + Bifrost + Valhall - Logs
<ity> I am so confused, so where is v9? Why is it not usable?
<sally> From your experience and knowledge, if you compare between Rock5B and RaspberryPi5, which one will get the fully supported in upstream?
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<CounterPillow> ity: what's confusing? It hasn't been written yet.
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<warpme> guys: is current mesa (24.0.1) working out-of-box on rpi5 (v3d v7) with mainline 6.8-rc6?
<CounterPillow> that doesn't seem like a panfrost question
<warpme> oh sorry ! (is there dedicated irc for v3d?)
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<ity> CounterPillow: So, v9 support for VK has not been written yet? And what's wrong with panvk?
<CounterPillow> Yes it does not appear to exist yet, and the current state of panvk is that it is not complete enough for any real world workload (nor would it ever provide performance enhancements on bifrost since bifrost is not made for vulkan on a hardware level)
<daniels> panvk is being actively worked on, but the work atm is primarily in low-level infrastructure for it, and isn't something you can use as yet
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<ity> Ah, what low-level infra? What doesn't work on PanVK? Is it just that the hardware doesn't support some things, so they have to be emulated in software? Is anyone working on V9 support?
<daniels> low-level infrastructure for the driver itself - fun stuff like synchronisation, command-buffer building, etc - it's not as simple as just writing a two-line implementation for every command, but there's quite a lot to do to make the driver a reality
<daniels> gen10+ will probably be the primary focus, but yeah, there will be 7-9 support as well
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<ity> Doesn't V9 have the hardware capabilities for VK support? Quote from a Mesa commit message: "For whatever it's worth, Valhall is the first Mali hardware that can support Vulkan properly" (commit c0d65398279db02f68b5acc23c3afbf1c34a520441)
<CounterPillow> Yes it does
<ity> So I don't fully understand what's the problem with v9?
<daniels> there is no problem with v9
<daniels> it is perfectly possible to support vulkan on v9, and vulkan will be supported on v9
<daniels> it is not supported today because time is a finite resource
<daniels> it will be supported in future
<ity> But nobody is working on V9 support? The kernel driver is fully functional, right?
<CounterPillow> I'm sure if you keep this line of inquiry you will make very good friends with the people who do have v9 vulkan on the roadmap but are swamped with work
<daniels> ity: yes, it is being worked on!
<daniels> it is not yet ready
<daniels> if you want to make it happen faster, please contribute code
<ity> I would like to, which is why I asked where is the work happening :P
<daniels> a reasonable amount of it is in
<KREYREN_oftc> ^ ity's a contributor to the development of software stack OLIMEX Teres-I, no need to treat her like a random newb she's decent in kernel development
<ity> Trying to start, yes, so I am looking into opportunities to contribute if contributions are welcome.
<ity> daniels: Last commit 3 years ago, and it seems some of the work has been merged into panvk? I am looking but can't seem to find any references to v9/valhall in the fork you linked.
<daniels> ity: right, you want the panvk-v10-wip branch which is where all the work has been going on - have a look at the MRs in that repo
<ity> OH
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<ity> Hmm, is EnumeratePhysicalDevices unimplementeted? I am not 100% sure if I am reading the code right... There seems to be some device init code though
<bbrezillon> ity: keep in mind this panvk-v10-wip is not functional, we're progressively adding support for v9 and v10, but we're still weeks away from having something that can run vkcube
<bbrezillon> *this panvk-v10-wip branch
<bbrezillon> Right now our main focus is getting the Valhall descriptor model right, (see
<bbrezillon> there's also an ongoing effort to cleanup panvk code base, and refactor the code to make addition of v9+ support easier
<ity> Ah, what's CSF & JM? I seen it in the codebase & it's mentioned on the MR, but I can't figure out what it stands for
<bbrezillon> one thing I can think of that would be nice to have is converting <vertex,tiler> job pairs to IDVS jobs
<bbrezillon> JM => Job Manager
<bbrezillon> CSF => Command Stream Frontend
<CounterPillow> v9 is JM only, right?
<bbrezillon> it's the 2 different HW interfaces used to dispatch jobs to the GPU
<bbrezillon> JM is v4 -> v9, and CSF is v10+
<ity> OOOOH, I see, that makes sense
<ity> Is the kernel driver done, or is that one WIP as well?
<ity> How is panvk tested btw? Since one cannot use the VK API I presume (as EnumeratePhysicalDevices is not present), are the internal functions called directly in some in-tree testing file?
<bbrezillon> ity: it's "functional" on Bifrost (v6/v7)
<bbrezillon> and EnumeratePhysicalDevices is implemented by the vk runtime lib (see vk_common_EnumeratePhysicalDevices)
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<ity> OH, I guess I got confused by panvk_entrypoints.c
<bbrezillon> quite a few vulkan entrypoints are implemented by the vk runtime lib, drivers just overload those if the default implementation is not enough for them
<ity> OOH
<bbrezillon> but most of the time, it is
<ity> OH, thank you!
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<ity> bbrezillon: which models of the GPUs are you testing your patches on? As-in, the G57, or the G77, or the gen10+ stuff, or...
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