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<bbrezillon> dliviu, stepri01: I guess you already figured that out, but GPU activity tracking for devfreq needs to be reworked for usermode queues
<stepri01> yes - it's not entirely clear to me how to trigger the busy for usermode queues. It definitely will need some thought
<bbrezillon> either we need to evict the group from the slot after some inactivity time (can be known based on the extract pointer)
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<bbrezillon> or we keep forcing a periodic tick when usermode group is assigned a slot
<bbrezillon> we can also combine both, first some periodic polling, and if there's no activity for more than X secs, evict the group
<bbrezillon> anyway, I'll let you sort that out, I just thought I'd point it out after seeing stepri01 devfreq fix
<stepri01> yeah, that seems reasonable - and yes it's definitely something that had occurred to me too ;)
<stepri01> Getting it working properly was the main priority so far though!
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