<Soupborsh> I think my sdcard has only 1 unlabeled partition. I will reinstall. How do I enter mass storage mode?
<Soupborsh> * storage mode on surya?
<Soupborsh> * storage mode on surya?, * ? I need this to flash SD card using pmbootstrap install --sdcard=/path/to/sdcard
<WaldemarTomme[m]> Why do you want to flash the sd card through your phone? I don't think it's a good idea and also I don't think mass storage mode is even supported anymore on new android versions/devices.
<Soupborsh> <WaldemarTomme[m]> "Why do you want to flash the..." <- I do not have SD card reader. I mean there was some way to make mainline pmos kernel or initramfs to do mass storage mode.
<WaldemarTomme[m]> through initramfs might be possible but idk how. for me i did not get mass storage device and usb networking working at the same time. but honestly it might really just be better (and easier to acquire a sd reader.
<WaldemarTomme[m]> but there might also be a way to pipe the image to write through while in debug shell and then write it directly to the sdcard
<Soupborsh> * to tell, it, * it is this on