Etn40ff[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline
<Etn40ff[m]> c
<f_> d
<SanyaPilot[m]> I've built 6.13 kernel today, and it seems that UFS issue is really gone, which is veeery nice
<SanyaPilot[m]> Also, in the latest build of pmOS edge iio-sensors-proxy doesn't crash anymore
<SanyaPilot[m]> Sensors are detected in userspace properly
<Adrian[m]> that's because iio-sensors-proxy now waits at startup
<Adrian[m]> and systemd handles restarts way better than openrc
<SanyaPilot[m]> I've used openrc
<dnb[m]> <SanyaPilot[m]> "I've built 6.13 kernel today..." <- Wow, u mean that "pwr ctrl cmd..." which causes I/O error?
<SanyaPilot[m]> dnb[m]: Didn't check the logs really
<SanyaPilot[m]> But system doesn't hang now
<SanyaPilot[m]> <dnb[m]> "Wow, u mean that "pwr ctrl cmd....." <- yea
<dnb[m]> JIaxyga: Does that mean that 6.13 will go to pmaports at long last?
<Adrian[m]> yes, we're working on it
<WaldemarTommetheythem[m]> O.O then I think it would be better to merge my devicetree changes to the fork and that soon to also be able to merge the device package
<WaldemarTommetheythem[m]> * O.O then I think it would be better to merge my device tree changes to the fork and that soon to also be able to merge the device package
an0n-[m] has joined #sm7150-mainline