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<emersion> daniels: fwiw, i'm not a fan of replying to issues with "the issue will be magically fixed for you"
<daniels> fair enough
<emersion> i don't like it when users *expect* "the community" to work on their issue
<emersion> but yeah, that's a personal opinion
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<pq> jadahl, has even ascii art about what is the difference between surface and buffer damage. :-)
<jadahl> pq: i'm sure it was, I made an attempt to understand without actually reading anything to minimize side-track time but I guess that was a bad idea
<pq> nothing is easy in gfx :-p
<jadahl> :P
<pq> "Waht's a pixel?" ...
<jadahl> "undefined"
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<emersion> oof, it seems daniels felt inspired and wrote another book or two on the ML regarding explicit sync
<emersion> time to sit back and read ^^
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<daniels> just trying to summarise all the 5000 mails in one place
<daniels> jekstrand did the same, but longer :P
* jadahl appreciates not having to read 5000 e-mails
<emersion> i'd call it a digest, not a summary ;)
<emersion> Explicit Sync Weekly Edition, Volume 1
<pq> to me it seems several people have moved on writing digests and summaries on the topic :-)
<pq> *move on to
<daniels> emersion: :D
<emersion> but yeah, ofc, thanks for writing that up daniels :)
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<zzag> would it be sensible to allow ref'ing and unref'ing wl_shm_buffers so the compositor could upload data from a buffer to the texture even after wl_buffer.destroy?
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* zzag also wonders if it's an api breaking change
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<pq> there is already wl_shm_buffer_ref_pool()...
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<zzag> right, but it seems like even if the pool is referenced, the wl_shm_buffer will be free()d anyway
<zzag> or am i missing something?
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<zzag> I also have to admit that I don't fully understand the purpose of the wl_shm_buffer_ref_pool() function
<pq> the wl_resource will be gone, but since you still have the pool ref'd, the data is there. But how do you access the data then...
<pq> I have a vague recollection that wl_shm_buffer_ref_pool() was added for some funky threads things
<pq> as for accessing content after wl_buffer.destroy, I thought we recent documented something about that.
<emersion> pq, see my latest MR on the wayland repo
<pq> oh, still not merged, ok
<gitlab-bot> wayland issue (Merge request) 141 in wayland "protocol: allow immediate wl_buffer.destroy if not re-used" [Protocol, Opened]
<emersion> i had an issue about it opened for quite some time, but never got around to patch the protocol
<pq> looks like one would need to save all the wl_shm_buffer_get_*() data at wl_shm_buffer_ref_pool() time to keep access to it.
<pq> but keeping a pool ref also prevents resizing the pool.
<emersion> is the mmap'ed region kept alive?
<emersion> hm
<pq> yes, that's the point of pool ref, to let other threads continue accessing it
<pq> I guess you could take the pool ref on the wl_resource destroy signal
<pq> ..of the wl_buffer
<emersion> sounds like it could work
<emersion> not very ergonomic
<pq> not fun indeed
<pq> as usual with things that were original never meant to be used like this (destroy before getting release and expect the compositor to not glitch)
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<pq> zzag, is your use case that a client does an attach+damage+commit and immediately quits without waiting for anything, expecting that final frame to be actually shown?
<pq> or would it be fine for you to re-use whatever content you already uploaded to GL?
<zzag> pq: yep, my concern was about the case where the client attaches a new buffer and soon after that quits
<pq> is that... realistic?
<pq> a compositor that doesn't implement window closing animations would probably never show the last frame anyway
<pq> if the client actually cares about the last frame being shown, it needs to subscribe to and wait for the frame callback.
<pq> if you don't wait for the frame callback, the protocol says your frame could be overwritten by your new frame; I'd easily extend that to "never shown at all if you destroy the window"
<pq> It's actually not about wl_buffer.release or destroy; if the client doesn't wait for frame callback, it's ok to discard the frame IMO.
<pq> If the client does wait for frame callback, you probably already uploaded the data into GL.
<pq> at least Weston sends frame callbacks only after upload to GL
<emersion> aren't GL uploads synchronous anyways?
<pq> yes?
<pq> why?
<daniels> emersion: hope I wasn't speaking out of turn to say that you'd implement delayed commits!
<zzag> I'm not sure about re-using the last texture, the window can look distorted if the window geometry changes with the last commit
<zzag> either way, it would be nice if "referenced" wl_shm_buffers don't get destroyed under the compositor's nose
<daniels> the window geometry doesn't change unless and until the client has attached the corresponding buffer
<zzag> correct
<pq> Weston does not do GL upload on attach, damage, nor commit; it does it on repaint some time after commit, but before sending frame callbacks.
<daniels> but yeah, you're racing the compositor, hoping that your content will show before the client quits ... and that the user will spot and understand the content during the single frame it's shown?
<daniels> like, if you want something to be seen, don't immediately request that it be hidden by destroying the connection
<pq> "KWinFT is based on wlroots"?
<pq> I didn't think it was?
<pq> *is
<wb9688> pq: romangg is working on using wlroots in it
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<pq> aha! thanks
<romangg> pq: Was this discussed earlier here in the channel or where did you read that?
<pq> where should I have been lurking to have heard about that coming? :-D
<pq> romangg, daniels' email on dri-devel@
<romangg> ah, thanks
<pq> Re: [PATCH 4/4] RFC: dma-buf: Add an API for importing sync files (v6)
<romangg> pq: regarding lurking: we talked about it in the past on #sway-devel (now on
<pq> is there a kwinft dev channel?
<romangg> For real-time I had setup a Gitter community where we discuss things: Can be also joined via Matrix.
<romangg> Other than that I'm very tenacious in documenting all current developments and future plans in GitLab tickets so it's documented and can be followed by other people.
<romangg> For the wlroots backend work there was:
<gitlab-bot> KWinFT issue 137 in kwinft "Render and Display backends based on wlroots" [Epic::Render, Level::Expert, Stage::Decide, Wayland, Opened]
<pq> mm, gitlab tickets...
<romangg> not a fan? :D
<pq> gitlab is fine, it's the gutter/matrix I have no presence in
<romangg> well if you have a gitlab acc you can use that to also post in gitter channels. ;) but most conceptual work is discussed anyway in the gitlab tickets.
<romangg> (gitter is service by gitlab nowadays)
<pq> strange, does not let me subscribe to that issue
<pq> I subscribed to the "epic render" label though.
<romangg> ok, should be also fine. it's weird that it does not let you subscribe to individual tickets though. I don't think i played around with the permissions in that regard.
<emersion> daniels: agree to everything you said :)
<emersion> yup, delayed commits def pretty high on the priority list
<romangg> emersion: Looking forward to getting it "for free" soon. ;)
<romangg> Ok, now I'm gonna sit back and will read this email chain too.
<romangg> What's "resv"?
<romangg> and ANI
<pq> I'd guess "reservation", but what means exactly I'm not sure.
<pq> AcquireNextImage, Vulkan term
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<romangg> ah right, thanks. is this explicit sync work only meant to be used via Vulkan?
<pq> dunno
<emersion> no, explicit sync can be used on EGL/KMS as well
<emersion> or do you mean the new stuff?
<emersion> for the new userspace fences stuff, everything is still in flux afaik
<romangg> emersion: yes, these new sync files
<emersion> sync_file means the old stuff ;)
<romangg> lol
<emersion> "synchronization primitive" is the generic term
<romangg> but the patch is about "importing sync files". so isn't that the new thing?
<emersion> ah, there are two things going on in parallel:
<emersion> - plans for a new synchronization primitive, dubbed "userspace fence" so far. main motivation is make upcoming AMD hw work
<emersion> - jason's patch to add a way to get a sync_file in/out of an implicitly synchronized dmabuf
<emersion> synchronization primitives, ordered by age:
<emersion> - sync_file (what the linux-explicit-synchronization protocol uses)
<emersion> - (drm_)syncobj(_timeline): what vulkan uses
<emersion> - "userspace fence": the new stuff which hasn't materialized yet
<romangg> Thanks for the explanation emersion! Very helpful to get an overview.
<emersion> if you want to read more:
<emersion> - vulkan timeline semaphores
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<romangg> I know we discussed that stuff already last year but I didn't remember much details anymore.
<emersion> np :)
<emersion> yeah this stuff is easy to forget about
<romangg> It's good to see progress is still ongoing. When working on user space it can be difficult to keep track of lower levels or quickly get an overview again.
<pq> "hasn't materialized yet" - what a pun :-D
<emersion> :D
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<daniels> romangg: resv is dma_resv, which lives on a dmabuf and is used as a container to hold sync_files/syncobjs for implicit sync
<daniels> emersion: it's not just AMD hardware - Arm has much the same problem, and anyone designing natively for newer Vulkan. jekstrand being involved suggests that Intel have the exact same design coming up, and I've said it as a fact so many times without him ever denying it that it is, in fact, a fact
<emersion> ahah, i see
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<daniels> he will shortly materialise and prove my point by saying that he's interested because syncobj is his baby and he's sort of the bridge between Khronos VkSemaphore work and the Linux kernel, so it's his job to make sure that we do something good and futureproof for everyone, and he's also doing i915 kernel work so it makes sense for him to do it now
<daniels> all of which is factually correct, but again not a denial :P
* emersion epolls on jekstrand
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<romangg> I like this mildly sarcastic question form daniels mail: "maybe we should have some kind of conference where we all get together and talk to each other ... ?" :D
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<romangg> Seriously though it would be nice to have next XDC some program around it.
<romangg> Preferably not only for the experts who know all the details already.
<daniels> we did have one of those in Montreal, but none of us were there since it clashed against libliftoff IIRC
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<romangg> That's a pity but probably was also pretty "experty". I'm meaning more short introduction to the topic and giving an overview. Won't maybe bring much direct value for experts like you though who want to rather agree on how to proceed than to see where we are.
<romangg> Although it sometimes also helps the experts to remind themselves about that. ;)
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<pq> one of those wtf moments... for all I understand, this code should calling into a NULL function pointer, yet I've never seen it explode.
<pq> and then I realize, I accidentally the code
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<MrCooper> pq: didn't know "accidentally" is a verb ;)
<pq> I learnt it a long time I ago and I can't remember
<pq> one of those meme things I guess
<MrCooper> emersion: FWIW, I've started working on delayed commits for mutter; I have something working, it's working great on Intel (mutter runs at full frame-rate even with clients GPU-limited much lower), but I've come to realize it doesn't handle subsurfaces correcly yet, and handling all cases for those could be tricky
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<emersion> MrCooper: you'll need to add queues to all of the surface state, not just subsurfaces
<emersion> xdg_surface, xdg_toplevel, all of the other exts
<MrCooper> right, that's done, the easy part :)
<emersion> ok, nice
<pq> that was easy part? :-O
<MrCooper> well, maybe there's other stuff missing I just don't realize yet :)
<pq> you're delaying all window related state, not just the buffer, right?
<jadahl> I imagine the hard part is to splice things up in "semi global" combined states to choose from at the right time... i.e. subsurface and then eventually the transactions protocol
<emersion> the transactions protocol is easy to implement once you have queues for all surface-related state
<jadahl> right, it'd be identical to the subsurface handling
<MrCooper> the thing I've realized for subsurfaces is that the queue needs to include a whole graph of committed states, which is then applied only once all the buffers in there are ready
<daniels> there sure are some delicate interactions between those three things however
<daniels> MrCooper: yep
<jadahl> indeed
<MrCooper> so that'll be a bit more complicated
<emersion> all of the fun
<MrCooper> but seems doable
<emersion> maybe flattening the graph at cache-time would easy things
<jadahl> could probably skip all these fancy things during "transitions" (window moving, animations, resizing, etc)
<emersion> not sure it'd be spec compliant
<emersion> ease*
<pq> mm, yeah, if you already has state queues... Weston doesn't at all :-p
<MrCooper> pq: yeah, mutter already had something rudimentary for subsurfaces
<jadahl> in mutter there are state "objects", with pending/cached/...
<jadahl> MrCooper: I change that for the transaction work a bit
<jadahl> it's sitting in some MR
<emersion> right. but then here you have multiple "cached" states
<daniels> pq: well, we have the subsurface limbo queue
<daniels> it's just ... not an especially flexible or powerful queue
<MrCooper> jadahl: that might be useful for handling delayed commits with subsurfaces
<pq> that's nice - weston took a shortcut and the queued state does not include any extension state, only sub-surface
<pq> I mean xdg-shell etc.
<daniels> pq: oh eek, I didn't even think of that, e.g. maximised
<pq> yup :-D
<pq> *all* missing, not even a mechanism to hook things
<pq> btw. the transition from pending to next state slot is different than between any other two state slots.
<pq> because a client can do multiple wl_surface.attach without a commit in between, and only the last attach will actually reserve the buffer.
<pq> erm, only the last attach will remain when commit reserves the buffer
<pq> weston has that too ad-hoc'd
<MrCooper> mutter handles that properly AFAICT, not sure about xdg_* though
<pq> IOW, attach A, attach B, commit; must not send wl_buffer.release for A.
<pq> cool, cool
<jadahl> MrCooper: xdg-shell stuff is put in that pending state too
<MrCooper> that's a relief
<jadahl> well, it's only window geometry
<jadahl> the rest is pretty unrelated
<jadahl> maximize/minimize are just loose "intents"
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<pq> but they affect window positioning, or is window position part of your geometry?
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<jadahl> they do, but that's a side effect that isn't tied to any commit
<jadahl> or, well, it's tied to some commit via the ack
<jadahl> but not via some request poking at a pending state
* emersion agrees
<MrCooper> jadahl: BTW, are you aware that weston-subsurfaces breaks with -r1 and/or -t1 parameters on mutter? Seems to work fine with both on weston
<jadahl> MrCooper: rotates the wrong direction?
<MrCooper> -t1 freezes when trying to resize the window
<MrCooper> -r1 eventually aborts with "shm_surface_prepare: all buffers are held by the server."
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<jadahl> ah, didn't know
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<jekstrand> emersion: -ETIME
<emersion> eh, at last i'm not stuck in infinite-wait
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<swick> okay so what I don't get about UMF is why we care so much about the "when it's about to be done" aspect
<swick> like, is this only about latency at that point?
<swick> there are ways to get the "good" latency in common situations with UMF
<swick> i.e. if the window is in a steady state and each commit only changes the buffer the compositor could do conditional rendering
<swick> kms similarily could have at least two active slots and then scan out from the latest one which has signalled
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<pq> jadahl, hmm, you need to carry the ack in the state then, to latch in the new window state at the same time with the new geometry and content? That is very much tied to the commit.
<jadahl> pq: the ack is carried in the pending/cached state
<jekstrand> emersion: Was there an actual question you wanted me to answer? Sorry, too many things flying around that I'm losing track.
<pq> alright, so window state changes *are* queued like everything else
<jadahl> pq: kind of, the actual *state* (maximized vs ..., global position, etc) sits somewhere else
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<emersion> jekstrand: the main question i guess was, are you participating in the discussion because intel hw will have the same issues as AMD (and Arm)?
<emersion> so far the AMD issue appeared to be pretty AMD-specific to me, but maybe it's not
<jekstrand> Well.....
<jadahl> suspiciously many dots after that "Well"
<jekstrand> We'd like to move to userspace memory fences for various reasons which sort-of have to do with new HW.
<daniels> swick: just sent a reply in which I'm trying to point out that the exact time at when it's done (and latency/efficiency of polling for done) is totally immaterial to us, _except_ for VRR
<jekstrand> They more have to do with the needs of industrial-strength compute workloads.
<emersion> ok, just knowing that you want to move to user-space fences is enough to me
<jekstrand> But we'd like it in Vulkan too because then timeline semaphores "just work"
<daniels> jekstrand: run with the industry-standard oneAPI?
<emersion> lol
<jekstrand> The whole "AMD might not be able to ship new HW without fixing all of userspace" issue. Well, that's AMD's problem. They got themselves into that mess.
<jekstrand> daniels: /* no comment */
<emersion> ^ this is a comment though
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<swick> daniels: even for VRR a hotloop might not be a big problem when frames are actually scheduled for a specific time with some slack
<daniels> agree :)
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