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<lorglas> @ _-Caleb-_
<lorglas> some code from us for testing
<lorglas> //Check if a file or folder already exisits
<lorglas> sub IfExists(filename$)
<lorglas> return not system("test -e "+filename$)
<lorglas> end sub
<lorglas> sub IfFile(filename$)
<lorglas> return not system("test -f "+filename$)
<lorglas> end sub
<lorglas> sub IfSymbolicLink(filename$)
<lorglas> return not system("test -L "+filename$)
<lorglas> end sub
<lorglas> sub IfDirectory(filename$)
<lorglas> return not system("test -d "+filename$)
<lorglas> end sub
lorglas has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
<bbjimmy> lorglas you should make this a yab library and document it.