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<bbjimmy> I finally got Helpviewer to run. it seema that bitmao get Option$ = "Height|Width" is broken and attribute get is also broken.
<bbjimmy> *bitmap get
<bbjimmy> But the helpviewer URL tags are working
<bbjimmy> Now I need to clean-up the code and commant out all the print statements I used to troubleshoot it.
<bbjimmy> As well as opewning trouble tickets for yab.
<bbjimmy> *opening
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<lorglas> hi
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<bbjimmy> bitmap image broken and attribute get broken
<lorglas> ok, i take a look. i didn
<lorglas> t change
<bbjimmy> both worked in yab1.72
<bbjimmy> I haven't tried until I attempted to re-build my helpviewer app.
<bbjimmy> I have work-arounds for both, but I perfer not to rely on the system setting Media:Height/Width attributes for images and using the system$ command to get the values.
<bbjimmy> 1.7.2
<lorglas> 64bit or 32bit or both
<lorglas> reboot
lorglas has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
<bbjimmy> both