<walker27460> yeah i tried with that version but still not fix
<omegatron> did you try with the latest ?
<omegatron> I mean, just for a quick and rough check .. you could do a grep -R -F PFN_vkUseIOSurfaceMVK PATH-TO-SDK to see, if that symbol exists somewhere at all in a specifick sdk version
<walker27460> yeah latest,, tried but all same compile error so weird
<walker27460> found symbol but AppleClang says unknown symbol idk why
<omegatron> if the compiler says it's unknown, it is .. either it's missing header files or thera preprocessor-conditionals which prevent it from being defined .. if this https://github.com/FireBurn/mesa/blob/main/src/gallium/drivers/zink/zink_screen.h file is the one your compiler would use, I can see that this symbol will only exist, if MVK_VERSION is defined ..
<omegatron> if I had to resolve this, I would now compile the source file where it happens with -E instead of -c to check the preprocessor's output
<omegatron> in lines 40-43 is also an apple-specific block, which includes MoltenVK .. maybe your MoltenVK is outdated / does not define MVK_VERSION !?
<omegatron> but I guess you get the general idea !?
<walker27460> that header says #if defined(__APPLE__) #include <MoltenVK/vk_mvk_moltenvk.h> so i'm trying -D__APPLE__ compiler flag
<walker27460> but i don't think it works
<walker27460> didn't work try define MVK_VERSION
<omegatron> I would try to reproduce your steps, but my latest mac installation here is 10.11.6, so I can't help you much more, than giving general advice with compilation issues .. you might want to wait until someone else with a usable mac setup can help you =)
<walker27460> oh that's bad
<walker27460> define MVK_VERSION didn't work... no idea
<walker27460> I don't think they not define MVK_VERSION in SDK
<omegatron> yeah, as I said, if you would just preprocess the source file in question by using this https://termbin.com/aaat command in the directory where the file is compiled and then upload the output to termbin ( with cat FILE | nc termbin.com 9999 ) , I could check the file
<walker27460> but no termbin link generated weird
<omegatron> hmmm ... how large is the file ?
<walker27460> 1.4MB
<walker27460> oh i realized termbin generate link directly on clipboard
<omegatron> ah
<walker27460> here
<omegatron> hmm, the file is not complete - I guess termbin.com has some maximum length, which is below 1.4 MB =D
<omegatron> darn!
<omegatron> you would have to split the file in two parts: split -l 6800 FILE and then upload them both again
<omegatron> or three files, if it's more ..
<walker27460> ok
<walker27460> splitted to 6 files
<omegatron> ok, so line 36 - 45 in the zink_screen.h header are lines 31683 - 31684 in the preprocessed file
<omegatron> and lines 173 - 185 correspond to 31.813 to 31.825
<omegatron> so, MVK_VERSION is defined but #include "MoltenVK/vk_mvk_moltenvk.h" is never done
<omegatron> so, you are indeed missing the __APPLE__ define
<omegatron> I would have though it might be included by some other header file before that, but it's not
<omegatron> strange thing is, it didn't work, when you tried to define __APPLE__ ....
<Sachiel> I would think __APPLE__ is defined by the compiler
<omegatron> yep
<omegatron> so, strange it is
<omegatron> can you try this https://termbin.com/n3cp command like you did before ?
<omegatron> but of course it's possible, it's undefined somewhere else ..
<walker27460> errored
<walker27460> exact same error as the issue i've created
<walker27460> so i think the point is on src/gallium/drivers/zink/zink_device_info.c
<omegatron> ok, in that case, you could edit the file zink_screen.h itself and comment the line with the #if defined(__APPLE__) and the respective #endif , so that the MoltenVK/vk_mvk_moltenvk.h file is always included and then try again
<walker27460> remove #ifdef-like things?
<omegatron> like this : https://termbin.com/hmfb - don't forget to revert that change, after this issue has been resolved
<walker27460> ok
<omegatron> in theory, you could also change #if defined(__APPLE__) to #if defined(__APPLE__) || 1 would do the same job
<walker27460> or __OSX__ ?
<omegatron> no
<omegatron> you need to make sure, the preprocessor conditional is either not effective anymore or always true, so that the file MoltenVK/vk_mvk_moltenvk.h is always included
<omegatron> and since I don't know for sure, if __OSX__ would be defined at this point of pre-processing ...
<walker27460> removed #if defined(__APPLE__) still not fix
<omegatron> same error?
<walker27460> exact same
<omegatron> just to be sure, your file looks now like this: https://termbin.com/lwp6 ?
<omegatron> the zink_screen.h header file ..
<walker27460> yeah
<omegatron> now it would be a good idea to generate a new preprocessor file and share it, but with termbin.com it's somewhat tedious if it has to be split up in 6 parts ..
<omegatron> but since I will go to bed now (it's 4 am here), I recommend you revert the change you made in zink_screen.h to restore the original state and ask later someone else help - maybe someone with a recent mac os x
<omegatron> sorry I couldn't be of more help
<walker27460> okay thanks so much
<walker27460> literally can't understand
<hch12907> walker27460: try removing the lines with IOSurfaceMVK? I don't think it's used anywhere else
<walker27460> ok give it a try
<walker27460> for revert easier i'll just comment out it
<walker27460> ../include/vulkan/vk_icd.h:225:11: error: unknown type name 'CAMetalLayer' occurred
<hch12907> that shouldn't happen, it's defined in vulkan/vulkan_metal.h
<walker27460> i use -Dc_flags to specify vulkan headers path is that related to this problem?
<hch12907> possibly, but I don't know the precise reason
<hch12907> I don't own a mac, unfortunately
<walker27460> just included manually
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<hch12907> zmike: mind giving me a quick Rb in https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/11045?
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<hch12907> zmike: thanks for the ab!
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