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zmike: in !12934, what do you mean by "unresolve"?
ajax: it's for tilers; basically a vk ext that will do a copy from single sample -> multisample at the start of renderpass
replicate is usually the terminology for that...
got it, thanks
nsneck has joined #zink
anyone mind reviewing 13004?
I did
but I need to test it too
ah cool, take your time
prob get to it today at some point
pretty sure there'd be some corner cases here and there, that part of the codegen is hairy...
yea we always break something or other when it changes
but FYI my tests with Haswell show that we are not accidentally disabling extensions (except those that were mistakenly enabled of course)
thanks for checking it out
is there a tool that watches your vulkan app and draws graphs of the render passes it creates?
there's gfxreconstruct, which is like apitrace for vulkan
dunno exactly what you mean by graphs?
hch12907: tested
zmike: one node for every draw command, input arcs are your textures / ubos / whatever, output arcs are render targets. and then for a whole frame you can draw a digraph whose last node is the swapchain image.
I'm not aware of any such thing? maybe bnieuwenhuizen or JoshuaAshton or jekstrand would know
zmike: thanks
not aware of any
might be able to do something by dumping the renderdoc trace to xml
but good luck getting a nice graph with huger descriptorsets and VK_KHR_descriptor_indexing
good news: zink doesn't do either of those things
not even with bindless?
nope, not really
huh, how do you do bindless then?
mesa only exposes 32 bindless texture units
so juggling that many doesn't require a huge set at all
uh what
* bnieuwenhuizen
never knew
yeah drivers that implement it for mesa only have to allocate up to 1024 descriptors in a set
and even that's probably way overkill
all the discussions I've seen about descriptor indexing is how 500k is not enough
bindless texture != descriptor indexing
yep, apparently
zink only uses descriptor indexing features to implement bindles
not the actual huge sets
it probably says something about me that you thought "dump to xml" and i thought "dump to graphviz"
basically the same thing
baryluk: any chance you wanna check out that exploder geexlab demo? I've been running it here for about 5 minutes now and it's completely fine