ChanServ changed the topic of #zink to: official development channel for the mesa3d zink driver ||
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<pac85> zmike: so regarding what we where talking about yesterday. Say I have a zink_program generated before uber shaders are enabled, when they are enabled should uber shaders be compiled for that program or should that program keep on relying on synchronous variant compiles?
<zmike> I think ideally it shouldn't compile anything extra
<zmike> then again it could be the case that it later needs a legacy variant
<pac85> yeah
<zmike> 🤕
<zmike> I don't like this question
<pac85> hahaha
<pac85> they both feel like bad choiches
<pac85> though the second is easier to implement
<pac85> I already have logic to fall back to synchrously compiled variants so I just need to or something somewhere
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