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<Jookia> it's the right code it just doesn't belong there i think
<apritzel> but it seems like a lot of complexity comes from trying to serve multiple SoCs? If we naturally have those implementations per-SoC, this could be simplified, naturally
<Jookia> yeah
<Jookia> ideally there should be no ccm-related code in drivers/video/sunxi for the DE2 code at leats
<apritzel> absolutely agree
<apritzel> but I don't think going full CCF crazy for this is the answer
<Jookia> yeah. hmm
<apritzel> because this gets quite complex, see the Linux clock drivers
<apritzel> and we don't need that for U-Boot, I think
<apritzel> Linux for instance needs to support multiple video clocks (multiple displays), plus multiple audio clocks (44.1 and 48 KHz based at the same time, for instance)
<apritzel> and for that we need capable parent selection, reparenting and clock programming code
<Jookia> if i drop the idea of caring about clock parents and only having specific set_clock_for_this_purpose function then it would simplify a lot, i would just have to add some setters/getters that handle clock setting
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<Jookia> maybe making set_pll and stuff more generic would help
<apritzel> yes, I think this the direction. But have that code in the clock driver
<apritzel> if I see this correctly, the DE2 driver would be exposed to just say <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO0> and <&ccu CLK_DE>
<apritzel> and I guess we actually only need to support a certain range of frequencies for that, and can always fix the muxers to certain parent clocks
<Jookia> something like that. i don't remember the exact clock setup but there are two different sets of clocks because the H6 and H616/D1 have two different parent setups
<Jookia> currently the clock init/get/set code is in arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun50i_h6.c
<apritzel> yes, and we can handle this by having this implemented differently in the respective clock drivers, which are per-SoC anyway
<Jookia> it feels a bit weird having drivers/ touch the ccm...
<Jookia> it's touched in the nand code too
<apritzel> of course it's weird, it should absolutely not do this
<Jookia> ah
<apritzel> could it be we want the same thing, but don't understand each other?
<Jookia> probably! :)
<Jookia> or i just went down the wrong road
<Jookia> working with u-boot is confusing as i'm not sure what's best practice and what is old code that should be changed
<apritzel> so to be clear: there is ancient legacy clock code in the video/display drivers, which directly reaches into the CCM MMIO
<apritzel> and that's bad, and we want to get rid of that
<Jookia> i don't think i can fix the DE1 code
<Jookia> but probably the DE2 code if someone can test it on non-T113 boards
<apritzel> I don't care too much about DE1, honestly
<apritzel> I feel like we should start with DE2 on A64, to pick one prominent and accessible example
<Jookia> the only allwinner board i have for development atm is a D1 and T113, and i don't really want to touch the D1 as it runs my 3d printer and uses legacy sunxi cruft
<Jookia> i never wanted to be a sunxi developer but here i am
<apritzel> that's fine, clock wise they should be very similar
<Jookia> yeah, fine enough that i can probably write some code that might work :)
<Jookia> hmm i think for the clock driver for now get_rate could just be hardcoded for specific clocks
<apritzel> yes, that's what I am thinking as well
<Jookia> i could probably add a ccu_clks table that lets you specify the clock id and give a register and clock type such as FIXED, and in the future maybe PLL which would just call get_pll or something which would be mach-specific
<Jookia> though this wouldn't work very well for SPL code
<Jookia> maybe the clock getting/setting needs to be mach-specific and have the ccu delegate to that
<Jookia> not sure
<Jookia> wait, this is very dynamic brained
<Jookia> :)
<apritzel> the SPL clock code stays like it is: and honestly we don't need many clocks, and certainly none through any CCF
<Jookia> for a static setup it just needs to report fixed clocks set at init/compile-time
<apritzel> for instance there is no video or backlight or USB or networking in the SPL
<Jookia> what does the sunxi ccm code even do? is it used anywhere?
<Jookia> uh
<Jookia> the drivers/clk/sunxi code
<apritzel> yes, we need it for all those bus gates
<apritzel> that are referenced in the DT, for like USB, SPI, I2C, Ethernet
<Jookia> interesting
<Jookia> so it is mainly intended for DT peripheral gating/resets, NOT setting clocks
<apritzel> all we need *in the SPL* is the MMC and SPI clocks, and they are already handled in their respective drivers
<apritzel> not "mainly", but *only* ;-)
<apritzel> so far we get away with that
<apritzel> and that's the first hurdle, to actually introduce get_rate and set_rate
<apritzel> it could be as simple as having one function per SoC, and in there a switch/case
<apritzel> since we only need a handful of clocks supported
<Jookia> i'm not sure set_rate is needed
<apritzel> even better, but eventually we do need it, for DE2?
<Jookia> i'm not sure. it depends how the maching-specific code will be implemented. there would likely be some kind of setup_de2_clocks in arch/arm/mach-sunxi that calls set_pll/get_pll which is also specificed in arch/arm/mach-sunxi
<Jookia> unless it's better to have the setup_de2_clocks in drivers/clk for some reason
<apritzel> I think so
<apritzel> the DE2 driver should request the rate it wants, through the clock framework
<apritzel> but that basically just calls into code very similar to what we have, just in drivers/clk/sunxi
<Jookia> that makes sense
<apritzel> but that should stop at that one function, and should not decent into the rabbit hole of the SoC specific clock tree
<Jookia> yeah
<Jookia> that's a much higher level function than asking for a specific clock
<Jookia> as much as it is 'set up clock for tcon'
<Jookia> or a job like that
<Jookia> i'll have to think more about it as there are some extra snags: such as asking if a clock rate is valid
<Jookia> i'll think some more about it
<apritzel> yeah, me too
<apritzel> the MMC driver would be an easier example, I think, but here we need in-driver code to support the SPL, so it's less of a win
<apritzel> Jookia: to be clear, the non-SPL clock code in arch/arm/mach-sunxi needs to go away as well, and be moved into drivers/clk/sunxi
<Jookia> oh, interesting
<apritzel> for DRAM and MMC (periph0) this might be not too useful, since we need them for the SPL as well
<apritzel> but definitely the video clocks
<apritzel> so looking at your statement above: this is an example of old crufty legacy U-Boot code that we don't want anymore
<Jookia> it's a little strange to split up clock setting code out of mach-sunxi and in to drivers/clk isn't it? or do i not get it
<apritzel> why strange? We do want DT driven code, so it's the natural place. And stuff like video only exists in U-Boot proper, so no reason to not have DT based clock drivers there
<apritzel> in the past this was all one soup, so having the clock code in arch/arm/mach-sunxi was fine, since drivers could call into there as well
<apritzel> but with drivers being DT and DM driven, this changed. We handled all the gates clocks already, because that was easy
<Jookia> interesting
<Jookia> that makes sense, i didn't understand the reasoning for the split
<apritzel> honestly this should all been converted and cleaned up years ago, but nobody could be bothered to disentangle and clean up that code, also it worked fine(TM) ...
<apritzel> but for new video drivers (H6, D1) we need to have clean clock code from day one
<Jookia> does ACPI map to DT?
<Jookia> i understand just how unhinged that question is
<apritzel> well, it's a common misconception that both are different implementations of the same requirement, but they are quite different, actually
<apritzel> ACPI relies on a much more abstracted hardware design, potentially moving a lot of detail into firmware or hardware
<apritzel> firmware could be ACPI (AML) code
<Jookia> it seems a little strange that there's all these dt drivers that ACPI can't use. or maybe they just ship a small dt that refers to acpi
<apritzel> DT on the other hand tries to model the hardware in great detail, and leaves the code to the OS
<apritzel> there are not that many platforms that support both, actually
<Jookia> i think ARM64 and RISCV64 are pushing for UEFI/ACPI
<apritzel> UEFI is orthogonal, you can have both UEFI/DT and UEFI/ACPI
<Jookia> interesting
<apritzel> and there is basically little point in pushing for ACPI if the underlying hardware platform is deeply embedded
<apritzel> that's just not a fit
<Jookia> i guess maybe ACPI is intended for desktops and servers where you have a generic model of a compatible machine
<apritzel> you can try to do this, but it's quite a pain, and does not work really well
<apritzel> yes
<Jookia> oh, i get it, that's what ACPI is
<apritzel> for Raspberry Pi there exist both ACPI and DT support, but I hear that ACPI is not very complete, and it was reportedly a pain to implement
<Jookia> a hardware abstraction layer to make an ACPI machine, with firmware doing heavy lifting
<Jookia> and then handoff to linux i guess
<apritzel> ACPI works more like: "enable this device", "switch this device to power saving", and it's expected that either platform firmware or AML code implements this
<apritzel> whereas DT is more like: those are the two clocks, the power domain, the regulator, and the pins needed
<Jookia> i think ACPI also works with the dreaded embedded controller?
<apritzel> and it expects there to be drivers to care for them
<apritzel> yes
<Jookia> wild
<Jookia> i appreciate the effort people have put in to making computer hardware not be a pain :)
<apritzel> many fail regularly ;-)
<Jookia> yes, i'm a little salty about my motherboard's fan controller only being available by WMI over ACPI with no documentation
<apritzel> it's a different mind set: embedded Linux is very itchy about not having control over something
<Jookia> that's changing a little with the move to arm trusted firmware i think
<Jookia> or rather, having a supervisor
<apritzel> and firmware on embedded devices is many times quite bad, not updateable and so highly frowned upon
<Jookia> i did some work with the stm32mp151 and it has a hardware security partition, which means power management is now split and has to be communicated using scmi
<apritzel> I was once exploring a more abstracted way for the A64: for instance by implementing regulators and potentially even clocks in Trusted Firmware, using the SCPI or SCMI protocl
<apritzel> which would mean that Linux wouldn't need SoC specific drivers
<apritzel> but there was a lot of pushback on this
<Jookia> i think it makes sense to do that if you have a hardware security boundary but not for making drivers more generic
<Jookia> it was also a bit of a headache having 3 different device trees and having to build a clock tree in your head from it
<apritzel> yeah, STM32 seems to embrace that idea very much, but it sometimes feels overly complicated
<Jookia> having 3 levels of execution times two levels (secure/nonsecure) with things like userspace, kernelspace, hypervisor, tfa
<apritzel> also I feel like STM32 being more on the low end performance and resource wise, they cannot really afford the overhead
<Jookia> interesting
<Jookia> by the way, thanks for your patience and guidance on these patches :)
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<apritzel> np, thanks for working on those, and doing it the proper upstream way!
<apritzel> (and I still owe you a review of the SPI U-Boot patches ...)
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<Jookia> :D
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<tokyovigilante> Is there a robust way to boot a FIT kernel image over FEL? Working on kernel modules is pretty painful via SD
<Jookia> fel u-boot + fastboot maybe?
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<jernej> tokyovigilante: do you really need kernel modules? for dev purposes, I have U-Boot on SD card, which loads all-in-one kernel over ethernet
<jernej> and that allows pretty fast testing
<tokyovigilante> no not at all, only mean module inasmuch as a driver that can be built as a module, working on a cut-down config with everything built in. Might have to set that up myself
<tokyovigilante> only downside is my device doesn't have ethernet
<tokyovigilante> hmm, although it seems I can use ethernet over usb...
<Jookia> i use usb gadget ethernet to transfer files over ssh and ssh to my board
<Jookia> it's a really good approach for kernel development imho
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<tokyovigilante> hmmm, do I want RNDIS or CDC-ECM?
<Jookia> for u-boot? not sure. RNDIS. for kernel? i use g_ether
<tokyovigilante> ta, don't suppose you know which usb driver I need?
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<tokyovigilante> which peripheral driver i mean, just the generic ehci?
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<Jookia> not sure right now
<Jookia> i'm about to sleep
<tokyovigilante> no worries. either its not supported or i dont know how to configure it to build in u-boot.
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