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<bamse> qzed: on sc8280xp i only needed the patch to spin up the additional phys
<bamse> steev: might be just a hair smaller, feels much smaller and more professional
<qzed> bamse: hmm okay, I think that part should work... although I've tried a slightly less hacky way
<bamse> but i think i've shared that with you already?
<qzed> yeah
<bamse> don't sepend to much time on it...because qualcomm is working on that on the list already
<qzed> oh, neat
<bamse> i do think they only post to linux-usb@ it's easy to miss
<qzed> ah, I need to look at that
<bamse> but there's an upstream-related project where they need that
<qzed> nice
<qzed> there are also a ton of registers that I can't find in linux... is there any downstream kernel that might have more info on that?
<bamse> the msm-4.14 kernel has support for the automotive-variant of the sc8180x, under the name sdmshrike
<qzed> oh neat
<qzed> I've had a very brief look at the msm-5.10 kernel, but that didn't look like there was much new USB stuff
<bamse> i don't know if the mp-support was picked up in the "mainline" msm kernel, might have been bolted ontop of the automotive-branches of msm-4.14 and msm-5.4
<qzed> thanks! I'll have a look at those too
<qzed> ohhhh I got things working!
<qzed> bamse: thanks for the tip with the automotive variant!
<qzed> turns out my guess at the iommu config was completely off
<qzed> and I think fixing that fixed the usb
<qzed> okay that is bloody amazing, now I can finally use my dock and don't have to use that dongle any more
<qzed> thanks again for all your help!
<bamse> qzed: sweet!
<qzed> that dongle thing drove me nuts... I swear you can somehow use this thing to take a network down and I don't know how it's capable of doing that...
<qzed> but if I forgot to plug it out after I shut the SPX down and had the SPX connected to power, the dongle somehow was still receiving a bunch of power through USB
<qzed> and after 5 minutes of that, my desktop ethernet doesn't work any more
<bamse> yeah, i have hit that issue several times as well
<bamse> it really sucks
<bamse> in particular when you, as me, use the network to automate all hardware control
<qzed> automate hardware control? now I'm curious...
<qzed> I currently do most things over SSH, but that sounds like a bit more
<bamse> the reference laptop has a debug baord, with which i get uart and can toggle power and usb using a usb control port
<qzed> ahh that's neat
<bamse> and i have built a tiny device which is 96boards compatible, so i have the same capability on most other devboards
<bamse> and then i use to remote-control all these baords
<qzed> sweet!
<bamse> "all these" as in, we have some 30+ boards that we work on
<bamse> spread over various geographical locations
<qzed> nice!
<qzed> the surface has apparently some debug stuff running over the USB-C ports (debug uart, "forced USB boot"?, maybe a reset?). I kinda wanna look at that at some point... but too much other stuff to do first
<qzed> and I'm not even sure if that's still in the final retail version
<bamse> interesting
<bamse> no, that's the typical issue with these capabilities
<qzed> seems to be implemented via a "debug mux" that can apparently switch outputs around on the usb-c lines... but that also seems to require talking to the EC, so even if its still built-in (probably a big if) I'd still have to figure out how to switch things around
<bamse> the problem i've seen is that the mux ends up costing quite a bit in mass production
<qzed> right, makes sense
<bamse> unfortunately
<qzed> yeah :/ there's a bunch of interesting stuff connected to that that'd be nice to look at (like a direct debug UART to the EC, a direct UART to the keyboard-cover EC, SoC JTAG)
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<Dylanger> <hexdump0815> "Dylanger: could you maybe please..." <- hexdump0815 Absolutely:
<Dylanger> ^ Kernel Config for Acer Spin 513 (Tomato)/MT8195
<Dylanger> I tried copying the DTS files from the ChromiumOS Third Party Kernel repo unsuccessfully
<Dylanger> It failed at some bad syntax changes ChromiumOS made to the base mt8195.dtsi iitc
<Dylanger> s/iitc/iirc/
<Dylanger> <steev> "best friend got his x13s, he..." <- I was going to pick one of these up but I can only get the 16GB SKU in Australia, I'd jump on a 32GB SKU, eventually I'm sure Linux will be supported on the X13s, it'll just take longer because it's basically a Chromebook without any of the benefits of being a Chromebook (Open)
<Dylanger> If this Acer Spin 513 had >8GB of RAM I'd probably daily drive it
<bamse> Dylanger: i think it's fair to expect that you'll be able to run an upstream kernel on your x13s quite soon...
<Dylanger> bamse That would make me a very happy boi
<bamse> Dylanger: hard to compare it with a chromebook, given that it's not at all in the same price range as the chromebooks i've played with
<Dylanger> bamse Do you have a rough estimate?
<bamse> price?
<Dylanger> Time to Mainline Kernel
<bamse> i think 5.20 will be pretty close to have some basic functionality, but there's a few hacks we haven't debugged yet
<Dylanger> ❤️
<bamse> like the cpus advertice pointer authentication support, but the kernel freezes when it's being initialized
<bamse> advertise*
<bamse> so one of the patches i have currently is to quirk that out
<Dylanger> I didn't know there were people working on it
<Dylanger> I'll seriously look at picking one up then
<bamse> i'm using it as my new daily laptop
<bamse> running a kernel that i built on the laptop itself
<Dylanger> 32 or 16GB variant?
<bamse> currently 8gb, just received the production unit...which comes with 16gb, as i wanted 5g modem
<bamse> there seems to be 1 sku with 32gb ram...but if you want 5g you have to live with 16
<bamse> and once you've gotten used to have 5g in your're stuck
<bamse> even though it cost you 16gb of ram ;)
<steev> bamse: not a complaint but you seem to not have the dts in the sc8280x branch :)
<bamse> steev: your complaint has been received...
<steev> what is crd?
<bamse> steev: i think it might be "customer reference device"
<steev> ahhh
<bamse> regardless of the abbreviation, it's the red laptop you can see in qualcomm's marketing material
<steev> got ya
<bamse> steev: given that the x13s didn't exist last week, there's no public dts for it
<steev> that's fair :)
<steev> i'm debating going to bed early so that i'm awake in case fedex shows up early (no idea how they shipped it but typically when signature is required it's fedex)
<steev> plus maybe by then, gmail will have its shit together and stop telling me it can't connect
<bamse> sounds like a sign
<bamse> and yeah, the signature requirement is annoying
<bamse> only times we have problems with packets getting lost here is when fedex either delivers them to the wrong address, or decides to leave it in the truck
<steev> never once had a package go missing except if the delivery people delivered to the wrong address (which is more like favor not fedex) in the 8 years i've lived here
<steev> had one favor driver say "contact support and ask for your money back, i ain't goin back, i already dropped it off"
<bamse> we had one being "left in mailroom" recently
<bamse> i don't have a "mailroom"...
<steev> lol
<bamse> complained several times and when they finally gave up and gave us the money showed up on the porch
<steev> wow
<steev> speaking of up there, i should find out the next time my coworker wants to visit up there, my buddy that used to live up there moved to england (thanks meta)
<steev> though he did recently link me to that movie theater on a lake y'all have or something
<bamse> ohh, i remember seeing that...but had forgotten about it again
<steev> i'm not a huge fan of jaws, but i do like water
<bamse> and i have this unanswered question about how i know if i've been infected by an brain-eating amoeba...will i know before it's too late?...
<steev> the shark will get you first
<bamse> i bet
<steev> otoh, kids are outta school now so i'm guessing it would be packed
<steev> my coworker is from germany so he's not used to american... things, so i've taken him to like, buccees (however it's spelled) and then up to dominion (that was cuz he wanted to go to the herman miller store though)
<bamse> was in downtown today, it was pretty busy on them paddle boards
<steev> i can believe it
<steev> it would be nice if it would stop being 41+ out
<bamse> what's up with the metric units?!
<bamse> or you prefer when we had <41F?
<steev> most of my coworkers aren't american :P
<steev> but as someone from michigan, yes to the latter as well
<bamse> it's never to late to learn... ;)
<bamse> texas tought me that i did indeed miss the snow...
<steev> i didn't actually mind the snow, or even being out of power during the snow
<steev> though i did keep apologizing to work whenever i had a signal
<bamse> as long as you don't have to go somewhere
<steev> as someone who has been in texas a while... i won't even go somewhere when it rains because texas drivers
<bamse> hehe, you should try california
<steev> i didn't mind the (short) time i was out there with my car
<steev> i used to contract for a company in hermosa beach, the la traffic was... interesting
<steev> and then trying to drive up to mountain view (where the best friend lives) was also... interesting
<steev> google was like TAKE THIS EXIT and i'm like I CAN'T GOOGLE, IT'S CLOSED
<bamse> hehe
<steev> i guess the fog or whatever, they close exits during the night
<bamse> when i lived there they kept working on the ramps during the nights
<bamse> so it was only a question if it was your ramp or not that was blocked :)
<steev> there wasn't much construction that i remember, when i was there, aside from in/near LA/hermosa beach/long beach/compton areas
<bamse> i meant mountain view...haven't tried living in LA
<steev> oh, my best friend drove then
<steev> actually, there was one thing that really surprised me
<bamse> although we drove to LA to eat pizza every now and then
<steev> in hermosa beach, cigarettes were *14* dollars, and i was like jesus that's expensive, and figured they would be more so in mountain view, but no, they were like 6
<bamse> yeah, it's crazy
<bamse> they are really keen on you not dying from smoking in california
<steev> that's why i was surprised it was only 6 in mountain view
<bamse> i am too
<steev> if memory serves, it was cheaper than they were here in texas at the time
<bamse> sounds like a glitch in the matrix
<steev> i joked that i should buy some cartons and sell em in texas
<steev> i did enjoy the computer museum, and facebook's campus was nice, was not a big fan of google's campus (it was dirty at the time, i'm assuming the janitors had the weekend off)
<steev> but then i looked at rents and was like, yeah, i couldn't live here
<bamse> same here
<steev> the apartments outside my buddy's condo wanted like... 6k a month? for a 2 bedroom? and i was like, yeah no
<steev> a house on the palos verde peninsula *on the pacific ocean* near hermosa beach was "only" 10k a month and that's a MUCH nicer view
<steev> the owner of the company i was contracting with was married to an actress, pretty sure that's the only reason they lived there
<bamse> the main difference is that the property tax is pretty much fixed, so people who have lived there for 15+ years pay "nothing", right next to your $10k house
<steev> she cooked this vegetarian lasagna that was amazing
<steev> yeah, i just couldn't justify those kinda prices, ever
<steev> even if i was making facebook or google monies
<steev> but i'm from michigan where i kinda expect things to be a bit cheaper
<bamse> i'm from sweden...where pretty much everyone can afford an appartment in one way or another when they move out after high school
<steev> my rent in michigan was like... 300? i think, and i had the upstairs of a house to myself
<steev> unrelated
<steev> benchmarks
<bamse> <- friend of mine lived in the middle of this, people though he was an idiot for paying $1200 a month in rent
<bamse> ohh, yeah now that the x13s is out i can probably run geekbench
<steev> i think that looks cool
<bamse> my wife just informed me that we went to bed 45 minutes ago...
<steev> oops
<steev> i should do the same, but also it looks kinda weird with nothing that tall around it
<steev> the area i live in is *very* tall building averse
<steev> i think it's 6 floors max?
<bamse> i wouldn't be surprised, most of what i've seen has been quite low buildings
<bamse> but, time to get some sleep...after all it's soon tomorrow
<steev> same
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<Dylanger> bamse What's the status of the X13s?
<Dylanger> Does everything work?
<Dylanger> Also do you know what the status is of secure boot?
<Dylanger> Do you have control over EL2?
<Dylanger> What's TrustZone doing? Running QSEE?
<hexdump0815> Dylanger: thx for the config
<Dylanger> No worries thank you for helping
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<leezu> macc24: I tried 5.17 on sc7180 and can reproduce your observation that deep suspend works. It doesn't work in 5.18 or 5.19-rc3 (in the latter the display doesn't work either), so I think there is a regression.
<macc24> leezu: git bisect it
<macc24> or should i do it? i've got some time today when i'm done hacking up holoiso to work
<leezu> If you have time, your help would be very welcome. In fact, I don't have a good setup for rebuilding and switching the kernels yet so I would need to improve that before bisect
<macc24> my setup isn't good either :v it's just a usb ssd and a serial terminal
<leezu> Do you cross-compile the kernel or build on sc7180? Currently I'm cross-compiling, but there's some complexity in copying over the modules and rebuilding initramfs on the device (for encrypted emmc). For the purpose of bisect, this setup should probably be simplified to avoid initramfs and reduce the number of manual steps :)
<macc24> i cross compile
<macc24> i never use initramfs
<bamse> Dylanger: functionally i'm missing gpu, displayport and audio...but there's work going on for those
<bamse> Dylanger: then we need to do some work on power management and suspend/resume, to make it more usable
<bamse> ohh and the battery driver still needs to be released
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<qzed> speaking of status...
<qzed> does suspend on the Flex work?
<qzed> and what's the overall status on that (audio, gyro/accel sensors, webcams, ..?)?
<steev> i don't believe audio works (might just be missing a ucm config), i didn't try any kinda gyro stuff. i forgot to test webcam as well
<bamse> steev: audio is in progress
<qzed> neat thanks! I mostly want to see where the differences between the SPX and Flex are in terms of support at the moment
<bamse> webcam doesn't work, as it depends on the usb mp controller
<bamse> i don't know what happens if we try to suspend the machine, will need to look into that across all the devices
<qzed> oh, interesting... so webcams are implemented via USB on the flex?
<bamse> i don't know about sensors...or what sensors are actually on the board
<bamse> yeah
<bamse> and mipi camera on qualcomm's isp on the that will be a problem
<qzed> that might be different to the Pro X then, AFAIK that uses CSI
<qzed> yeah
<bamse> we have support for the camera pipeline, with isp disabled, on several that should be fairly straight forward to get working on the sc8180x as well
<qzed> oh neat, wasn't sure if that needed some extra libcamera support
<bamse> but there's currently no support for the isp-block, so debayering etc in hardware is not available
<qzed> the x86 Surfaces use some intel MIPI/CSI-2 interface and need that
<qzed> ah okay
<bamse> we have the same problem on x13s...and many other products, so it's on the wishlist...but there's no quick/easy solution at this point in time
<qzed> yeah, I guess I could have a look at that at some point if no one else has done that... but webcams are currently somewhat less of a priority for me
<qzed> I want to try and figure out suspend first, if possible, then maybe audio, sensors and GPS would be nice too
<steev> suspend would be nice
<qzed> steev, bamse: btw feel free to give a test on the flex, I hopefully have implemented that in a way that should be mostly stable...
<steev> qzed: i still need to re-install linux on my flex, but i can pull those in and give them a test once i have
<jenneron[m]> nice, will try that on samsung galaxy book s
<steev> apparently my x13s isn't coming via fedex but ups, so, never know when it's gonna show up
<qzed> I'm not entirely sure if they apply cleanly to the 5.19-rcN branches though as I'm working off of linux-next and I think they split the QMP PHY drivers up... I do plan on rebasing my stuff on rc at some point though
<bamse> steev: same here, with 10am-12pm as the estimate...
<steev> mine at least has the more realistic "before 7PM"
<bamse> it was "before 10PM" but was narrowed down earlier today
<steev> they never narrow it down, down here
<bamse> they fixed it's back to "before 7pm" ;)
<bamse> qzed: gps should work with the gpsd patches i wrote a few years ago, not tested it though
<bamse> qzed: suspend would be really nice, but when i closed the lid on the sc8280xp it complained about we might have some more work to do there (should be common between all the platforms)
<bamse> qzed: and for audio, check in with vkoul
<qzed> nice, I'll give that a try
<steev> bamse: you mean all qcom or all arm64? iirc, the pinebook pro can't either and it's a complaint about pcie
<qzed> when I tried suspend a while back, the NVME failed... didn't look any closer yet... so that kinda lines up
<steev> the pinebook can't either, and it's.... allwinner a64
<bamse> qzed: i think qualcomm has it working (with nvme) on the it should be fairly close
<qzed> ohh I'll have a look at that
<qzed> so far I've written the PCI/NVME issues up to me not configuring some SLP_S3_N pin that according to ACPI is somehow associated with PCIe power states
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<Dylanger> bamse: How about EL2?
<bamse> Dylanger: no
<bamse> iiuc the platform support hyper-v...somehow...but that's it
<qzed> I've read up a bit on that... apparently there's some "Secure Launch" thing for WoA devices (whereas chromeos supports that straight from firmware?)
<bamse> such that they launch the hypervisor in runtime?
<qzed> it reads a bit like there's some signed stub that's launched in EL2 and from that you spin up the hypervisor
<qzed> so yeah, at runtime
<qzed> let me look for the links I found on that
<qzed> so first, this HN post:
<qzed> essentially early at boot there's a SMC call ("Secure Launch") to escalate from EL1 to EL2 by loading a "TCB"
<bamse> hmm, but that still describes a mechanism for getting the OS into EL2
<qzed> and this talks a bit more about what that "Secure Launch" is in a more general way:
<qzed> to me this reads something like: you boot the OS in EL2, set up some stuff and load some signed blob (the TCB), that then gets verified by some qualcomm stuff and executed in EL1, and that validates the rest of the code and continues from there
<bamse> right, but we know that bootmgfw.efi is jumped to in EL1
<bamse> so that would imply that it then does some verifcation, get itself upgraded to EL2 for windows to install the hypervisor part and then degrate itself to EL1 again
<qzed> right from the start? I thought it has some stub that starts in EL2 before it jumps to EL1
<qzed> argh sorry mixed EL1 and EL2 up
<bamse> from the start-start things are at EL2, but before any os code is running we're down at EL1
<bamse> seems more reasonable to either have the hypervisor firmware in EL2 all along, or to dynamically load it into EL2 using some scm call (i.e. similar to how we load trusted apps into tz)
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<qzed> so to correct myself: everything boots in EL1. then you install the TCB thing, make the Secure Launch call and that then has EL2
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<bamse> that sounds very plausible to me
<bamse> and as you might guess, i have no idea...if i did i probably couldn't discuss the details ;)
<qzed> to me it sounds like the TCB stub thing is signed somehow... but I'm kinda hoping that if we disable secureboot it wouldn't need to be signed... I have very low expectations for that though...
<bamse> i don't think so, because that would have other security implications
<qzed> right, there was some things about other qualcomm stuff being EL2...
<bamse> i mean, that it wouldn't be required to be signed
<bamse> yeah...
<bamse> so one question is, if we are able to load the hypervisor...would we be able to use it?
<bamse> i mean, the signed thing that windows load
<qzed> yeah... no idea
<qzed> at the moment I'm not even sure what that thing all does exactly...
<qzed> and those two links are pretty much the only "documentation" that I've found on that
<qzed> apparently intel and amd have similar things (ACM/SKINIT?) so maybe that's documented a bit better?
<steev> bamse: welp... they sent me a t14 not an x13s
<HdkR> That's a big oof
<bamse> steev: santa just brought you a new barbi doll...
<bamse> steev: still not 7pm here...and ups are taking their time today
<steev> i was like, huh, this is weird, i don't remember it having an ethernet port....
<Dylanger> Oosh that's a deal breaker for me
<bamse> Dylanger: because lenovo shipped him the wrong product?
<Dylanger> <bamse> "iiuc the platform support hyper..." <- I need full KVM/EL2 access
<bamse> Dylanger: ahh okay, yeah then this isn't the platform for you
<Dylanger> Sounds like Qualcomm is up to their same shit
<Dylanger> Squatting over EL2
<Dylanger> I was hopeful because Duet 5 has full EL2 support
<Dylanger> I assume this is for Windows's "security"
<bamse> it has nothing to do with windows
<bamse> and the duet 5 is a completely different tier...
<Dylanger> Ah, so Qualcomm's bullshit then
<bamse> sounds like you know more about the design than we do
<Dylanger> Absolutely not, Virt on Qualcomm tho I've done a fair bit of research on
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<steev> heh
<steev> they said "you can use the unit until your replacement is processed"
<steev> not really since it has the wrong processor :/
<bamse> ohh, ups truck is here...let's see if i too got a shiny new t14 :)
<steev> the t14 *is* nice
<steev> just, not what i want
<bamse> sorry to disapoint you, but i got the right one :)
<bamse> or at least a x13s...
<steev> not disappointed at all, at least, not with you
<steev> mild disappointment with lenovo shipping the wrong machine, but hey, mistakes happen
<bamse> gives me a few days to land you a proper dts ;)
<steev> heh
<steev> and gives me some time to spin up a new debian-cd i suppose
<bamse> mani reported some success on that front today, so i think we'll have something soon as well
<bamse> but your input there is definitely welcome
<steev> i was just gonna spin up the stuff in debian-cdimage or whatever it is, just updating to the 5.19 rc3 kernel
<steev> see if it'd work on the flex 5g or not
<steev> i've been stuck working on for the past couple weeks