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<HdkR> hm, grub_calloc not found then unknown filesystem, rude
<HdkR> ah, root= needs to be correct I think
<szclsya[m]> also you should use partuuid rather than uuid because kernel won't recognize filesystem uuid without initrd, as steev suggests
<HdkR> oh right, been a long time since I touched the c630 so I forgot about that
<HdkR> HDK board just uses fastboot which has its own set of terrible problems
<HdkR> Hm, immediately explodes when exiting boot services
<szclsya[m]> efi=novamap rw clk_ignore_unused pd_ignore_unused
<szclsya[m]> add these to the kernel cmdline
<szclsya[m]> oh, ignore rw
<HdkR> oop, needed dtb as well
<HdkR> black screen after it spun up a bunch of stuff. What was the way to force efifb again?
<szclsya[m]> which kernel tree are you using?
<HdkR> steev/lenovo-x13s-5.19-rc7
<szclsya[m]> hmm...
<szclsya[m]> to answer your question: earlycon=efifb
<HdkR> Oh jeez the messages spam by so quickly
<HdkR> boot_delay to the hopeful rescue
<qzed> TIL about boot_delay... god damn it that would have saved me a ton of crappy smartphone recording and squinting...
<HdkR> `bootconsole [efifb0] disabled` But I'm busy watching that!
<HdkR> It got done bringing up some USB devices and then I'm guessing something brings up the display
<HdkR> lets see if disabling MSM makes the problem go away
<HdkR> Nope, if only it was that simple
<HdkR> This is the part of trying to get Linux running on something that makes me frisbee a laptop in to the trash
<steev> what exactly are you trying to do?
<clover[m]> <steev> "HdkR: oh, you're going to want..." <- Holt shit can we get him these files?
<steev> did
<clover[m]> Yay
<clover[m]> Does it still charge powered off regardless?
<steev> yeah
<clover[m]> I thought his laptop was swiftly becoming a brick
<HdkR> steev: Trying to boot an image. arch image provided just boots to some terminal
<steev> it just means that the battery won't charge while plugged in and on
<clover[m]> HdkR: I mean yeah it's an installer image that's all it's supposed to do
<HdkR> I don't use Arch btw
<HdkR> So it's just a non-installed terminal to me.
<HdkR> Bunch of text corrupting whatever welcome text it tries to show so I can't even read what it was saying
<clover[m]> It doesn't even work until wifi gets fixed on it. I'd do whatever Debian thing steev does
<clover[m]> Speaking of I need to get steev that dmesg
<HdkR> I very much enjoyed the previous style of dd an image to a USB drive, it boots? Copy to internal storage and do some fixups
<steev> odd
<steev> and ip a shows only lo?
<steev> it definitely shows its loading the firmware
<clover[m]> oh wait i see wlan0 now, lol
<clover[m]> I don't remember seeing this with rc1 kernel. But maybe something changed since then?
<steev> ayy
<steev> nothing that i know of, i just went from rc1 to rc7
<steev> but wifi will still be wonky
<steev> sometimes you may not see 5GHz, sometimes you may, sometimes you can connect to 5GHz but you'll never see > 30% signal on it
<clover[m]> Should state be DOWN like that?
<steev> if it's not active, yeah
<clover[m]> Ok, apologies for my ignorance I am still learning
<steev> no worries :) i know you use arch
<clover[m]> Lol
<steev> :D
<steev> but for serious, leming is good people
<steev> he's the main? only? alarm dev
<steev> oh
<steev> i noticed you have the same ivo screen as i
<steev> i don't think that one has touch screen
<steev> but i should probably add my patch in and re-tag, but i'm hoping to get some responses on the dri-devel list
<steev> even if it's just "fix your broken commit message before we bother"
<clover[m]> i have a touch screen
<clover[m]> but yeah i noticed that conservative message
<steev> interesting
<steev> i know the R0 is a touchscreen, but i have the same one with the same id and it's not
<clover[m]> also, nothing in dmesg about bluetooth
<steev> correct
<steev> i tried to look into it last night
<clover[m]> will bluetooth need to be reverse engineered?
<steev> no
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<steev> needs dt changes, and possibly the driver itself
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<clover[m]> sd-boot wont boot Image.gz, same Unsupported message. I guess sd-boot can't load compressed kernels? seems odd
<clover[m]> ah, it's an open issue
<clover[m]> <HdkR> "Bunch of text corrupting..." <- This is good feedback 👍
<clover[m]> Today's image adds a kernel option to disable the noisy audit output
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<steev> nice
<steev> bamse: does b4 pick up T-b on the 0/X or should i send them to X/X ?
<HdkR> Jeez, the x13s has to have the smallest speaker wires ever
<steev> just stop having fat fingers? :P
<HdkR> Plugging them back in after fiddling took a little bit of tweezering
<steev> heh
<HdkR> Putting the back cover back on
<steev> i appreciate you taking the back off
<szclsya[m]> the speaker is pretty neat tho, probably the best I've heard so far within windows laptops
<HdkR> Watch out for breaking off the tabs on the back cover. I definitely snapped one
<HdkR> Quite fragile
<szclsya[m]> authentic lenovo experience
<steev> we're finally reaching feature parity with x86_64!
<HdkR> How do I tell if the battery is charging on this thing?
<HdkR> There isn't a /sys/class/power_supply/ that I can see
<szclsya[m]> I think that isn't implemented yet
<HdkR> Hope and pray it is charging
<steev> HdkR: when you plug it in, the led near the power button will blink 3 times
<HdkR> ah, I saw it
<steev> qzed: for completeness... it also works on the c630. so c630, flex5g and thinkpad all show the efivars
<HdkR> Since we're posting geekbench numbers. Think this confirms that there is something wrong with my 888 board, probably cache related
<janrinze> HdkR: at which part of the globe are you located?
<HdkR> US
<janrinze> west coast?
<HdkR> Correct
<janrinze> Do you guys buy online from lenovo or through resellers?
<HdkR> This was direct from Lenovo
<janrinze> Okay, understood.. Wonder how that will fare from Europe..
<janrinze> i feel that the lenovo has a high price tag because of the win11 license.. right?
<szclsya[m]> HdkR: I see FEX in the cpu model. that's a x86 emulator.
<HdkR> That it is
<szclsya[m]> then it's emulating x86? that would explain the low score
<HdkR> AES score between two Cortex-X1 cores is weirdly off :)
<HdkR> Maybe that one is a weird failure, retest to make sure
<HdkR> AES result was a fluke or old data. Much closer
<HdkR> Almost directly relates to the clockspeed difference between the two devices
<HdkR> ...Why Unknown CPU on 8cx G3
<janrinze> this is with box64 on the Nvidia AGX..
<HdkR> Which AGX? Xavier or Orin?
<janrinze> Xavier..
<janrinze> Orin just became available here but that price tag...
<HdkR> Then I'm a bit disappointed that the perf difference isn't more
<janrinze> it costs more than a Mac studio!
<HdkR> Xavier means JITs stacking JITs, which isn't very good
<janrinze> Carmel does some JIT but it does it in hardware..
<HdkR> aye, in MTS
<HdkR> Which is still a JIT :P
<janrinze> basically it can do really great performance if the code is aligned for the JIT
<janrinze> most compilers don't. I think clang >12 can optimize a bit for Carmel
<HdkR> oh neat, The 8CX G3 SoC isn't just shipping X1 and A78. It's shipping A78C and X1C
<janrinze> Orin is A78C, right?
<HdkR> A78AE
<janrinze> Orin has max clock to 2.2 GHz so no competition..
<janrinze> NVidia probably should have done X1C instead
<HdkR> Clock speed is a bit sad. I assume it can't quite reach as high clocks due to lockstep requirements
<janrinze> hm.. indeed.. the lockstep choice was for automotive, right>
<HdkR> Correct
<szclsya[m]> HdkR: what's the difference between X1 and X1C? higher cache?
<HdkR> PAC, More L3 cache supported
<szclsya[m]> ah
<szclsya[m]> pointer authentication doesn't work for now though, I think there is a patch in the tree to bypass pa init because it hangs the kernel on booy
<HdkR> Oh well. I'm more interested in MTE anyway :P
<janrinze> HdkR: why is the 888 running in emulation?
<HdkR> They both are!
<janrinze> possibly memory bandwidth limited.. JIT requires big cache too
<HdkR> Yea, bigger bandwidth numbers likely help but I also am not sure if the 888 board's kernel is healthy
<janrinze> HdkR: did you builld the kernel or is it the one that came with the board?
<HdkR> It's a built kernel
<HdkR> Pretty old at this point though
<janrinze> on the AGX: hikey970.local 4.9.140OES-KVM-32.4-deadline+
<janrinze> the OES kernel tree at least has some decent patches for the AGX. Haven't gotten around to getting the later kernels installed..
<janrinze> The AGX has served me well as a Linux Desktop. specifically the OpenGL support is great
<janrinze> I'm sure purists will hate the blobs required for the GPU..
<HdkR> My xavier boards are still on vendor kernel, can't wait to rip those out and replace with Orin
<janrinze> HdkR: only with unlimited funds it would be an option for me ;-)
<janrinze> HdkR: did you use CUDA on those too?
<HdkR> :D
<HdkR> nop
<HdkR> CPU testing only
<janrinze> I tried but noticed the memory layout issues and the delays.. my video processing works better cpu-only.. it's latency that keeps me from using CUDA
<janrinze> in Geekbench there are at least 4 different Lenovo spadragon 8cx gen3 platforms..
<janrinze> snapdragon.. oops..
<HdkR> If someone can solve bringing the GPU online with the X13s before I look at it again in 18 hours that would be great :)
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<HdkR> GPU is the last thing I need for it to be a development focused device...I think?
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<HdkR> I'd guess some people might complain about lack of audio but eeh
<jhovold> steev: b4 can pick up tags/trailers posted in reply to the cover letter
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<javierm> jhovold: interesting. And it does apply to all the patches in the series?
<jhovold> javierm: indeed
<javierm> jhovold: cool. I don't think that patchwork does the same when one downloads a complete patch series
<javierm> it would be great if it did so that you only need to git am that
<javierm> should look at using b4 instead of plain pwclient / patchwork
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<jhovold> steev: (and anyone else using the wip/sc8280xp-20220714 branch for X13s), please update to the following branch which has a few important revert of PHY commits in linux-next that broke USB and PCIe on an SA8540P machine and that could cause trouble on X13s as well:
<jhovold> steev: this branch should also address the warnings for any non-populated HID devices
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<qzed> steev: thanks for testing! I'll let you know once I have some patches for the kernel
<steev> jhovold: thanks for the heads up, i'll give it a whirl
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<steev> qzed: if we CAN get that in, it means all the hacks like dtbloader can go away
<qzed> dtbloader? what?
<qzed> can you just set some efi variable and the kernel loads the DTB from that?
<steev> i believe so?
<qzed> that would be nice
<steev> that's dtbloader
<steev> hm, or maybe it's not sufficient to have efivars
<qzed> I have no clue
<robclark> yeah, it looks at hw id and picks which dtb to load based on that... ie. so you can have a single disk or installer img that works on different laptops w/ different dtb
<qzed> so with support for efi vars that could be done in kernel?
<robclark> it is orthogonal to support for efi vars
<robclark> (although efi vars are nice so you can control boot order, etc)
<qzed> right
<robclark> dtbloader runs before ExitBootServices (ie. when efi vars work already)
<qzed> that's one reason I'm working on that... other is I hoped I could figure out why ResetSystem doesn't work
<qzed> yeah, I'm just wondering because steev mentioned support for efivars would eliminate the need for dtbloader
<steev> i *thought* it would
<steev> keep in mind that i'm a step up from mentally deficient
<qzed> I guess with efivars accessible to the kernel you could move the stuff that dbloader does to the efistub
<qzed> whether you'd want to do that is another question
<qzed> I mean it would be kinda nice to shove a full dtb into efi somehow, but I think that'll be too big for efivars
<qzed> steev: aren't we all?
<steev> i just stand on the shoulders of all you giants, pulling in random patches that i read and say "yeah, i have that problem" and then people wanna use my kernel tree for some reason
<robclark> I suppose you could use an efivar to store _which_ dtb to load.. but I think grub or something else could always implement the same CHID method to pick dtb
<robclark> the grand idea for DtbLoader was it could be something you install and then device boots according to arm's EBBR spec (more or less).. without having to do grub/etc hacks.. and then updated dtb for new devices could just be treated as a fw update w/ fwupd
<robclark> but I guess I'm the only one who thought it was a good idea to make these things look like they followed some kind of standard ;-)
<qzed> nah, I think that's likely the proper way to address that and make it more user-friendly
<steev> i like it... i just dislike the extra shell step
<steev> efi shell... leaves a lot of shell to be desired
<qzed> I'm at the moment just too lazy and changing dtbs too frequently to give it a spin
<robclark> yeah, no one every really got around to making the DtbLoader install step a bit more polished.. I agree that having to drop to efishell is not a great UX ;-)
<javierm> robclark: maybe one option could be for DtbLoader to just rely on the EFI Default Boot Behaviour and attempt to boot \EFI\BOOT\BOOTAA64.EFI ?
<javierm> that way you could just have an efivar that points to DtbLoader and make that the first in the BootOrder
<javierm> althought that's a big change in behaviour since currently it doesn't do anything more than loading and registering the DTB...
<robclark> I thought I had a branch somewhere that turned it into a shim instead of a driver..
<robclark> in the end, it isn't really a whole lot of code, so that seems like it would be an option.. esp if userspace could set efi vars
<robclark> hmm, if I did, I didn't push it anywhere
<steev> relatable
<javierm> robclark: exactly, that's what I thought. Using efibootmgr to create that EFI boot variable and then forget about it
<javierm> you just need a LoadImage() from a hardcoded location + StartImage()
<steev> jhovold: 20220720 is v unhappy with my wifi
<robclark> ok.. found the branch that converted it into an efi "app" instead of "driver".. I don't remember quite what state it is in, probably it works? maybe?
<robclark> ok, look like it was looking for grub.. so I guess I was using it as a replacement for \EFI\BOOT\BOOTAA64.EFI
<javierm> robclark: ah, this is doing exactly what I was talking about but just chain-loading grub as you mentioned
<robclark> probably just because at the time I didn't have a convenient way to change the boot-order
<javierm> robclark: another option then is to have DtBLoader in \EFI\BOOT\BOOTAA64.EFI, that way you don't even need to set efivars
<javierm> if already could chain-load grub
<robclark> yeah, that looks like more or less what I was doing
<javierm> robclark: for sure a much better UX than dropping into the EFI shell :)
<robclark> yeah
<clover[m]> what's a shim
<jhovold> steev: bah, I see it here too. Didn't expect that much to break in next this close to the merge window when rebasing on next 6 days later. Looks crypto related. Will take a look at it tomorrow. But perhaps you should use your old 5.19 branch until then. Sorry about not noticing.
<jhovold> steev: perhaps the crypto thing was unrelated, selftest thing
<steev> jhovold: oh yeah, the crypto thing is unrelated
<steev> just the wifi
<steev> the crypto thing is because of my config. haven't poked at it to see what exactly is going on there (and again, i'm bad with maths)
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<qzed> still need to add some comments and docs
<qzed> Setting QCOM_TEE=y and QCOM_TEE_UEFISECAPP=y should even make it auto-mount
<steev> seems straightforward
<steev> i'll give it a spin after work
<qzed> it also now requires a dt binding if you want to give it a spin on the x13 or c630, see the change for sc8180x.dtsi
<steev> yep, saw that, seems easy enough
<HdkR> oop, USB broke on the X13s
<qzed> it's mostly just a thing to let the kernel know to load this stuff
<HdkR> "usb usb1-port1: couldn't allocate usb_device"
<steev> HdkR: haven't seen that here, but what kind of device, and which kernel are you on?
<HdkR> 5.19.0-rc1 that you gave me. Was just a gigabit ethernet adapter
<HdkR> Looks like a RTL8153a
<HdkR> Will upgrade to that in a bit, it apparently took all night for it to fail though
<HdkR> Looks like suspend happened and it might have caused problems
<steev> oh
<steev> yeah, suspend is known broken
<HdkR> Looks like I can kill autosuspend
<steev> yeah, you can; though you might want to also do "su - gdm -s /bin/sh" and then "GSETTINGS_BACKEND=dconf gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type 'nothing'" then restart gdm3
<steev> that will make it so if you ever reboot and let it sit at the login screen, it won't suspend either
<clover[m]> how tough will it be to get suspend working?
<HdkR> destroyed it
<steev> i couldn't tell you, but i know it requires pcie and usb work
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<clover[m]> do other aarch64 laptops support suspend?
<clover[m]> like the C630
<steev> yes
<steev> though it's not as deeply suspended as it could be
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<HdkR> Alright, got the rc7 kernel built
<HdkR> ah, gpu not even defined in the DTS currently
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<HdkR> Welp, that's far outside what I can do. So I'll leave it there for now.
<steev> HdkR: yeah, bamse linked the downstream kernel yesterday or the day before that has a690 support
<steev> note: not downstream for thinkpad
<HdkR> ` tag LA.AU.1.4.2.r1-01100-gen3meta.0 has a690 stuff in it` I see
<steev> yep
<steev> i've cloned it, but i haven't looked at all
<HdkR> Will take a peek, hopefully copy and pasting some garbage will work :P
<steev> qzed: indeed, built in, it does mount the efivars automagically
<qzed> apparently it's systemd that mounts them and if that stuff is built as module it probably gets loaded too late, but if it's built in it seems to work fine
<steev> makes sense
<qzed> neat, I'll let you send that in once I've added all the doc stuff and sent it off
<qzed> or I could send it in with that, if someone tells me how to do the sign-off-thing properly with that
<steev> you put From: Steev Klimaszewski <> in your email of it (at least, that's how shawnguo sent mine before)
<steev> but i can send too, after
<qzed> whatever you prefer
<qzed> hopefully I can finish that up tomorrow