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<janneg> leio: if you got a moment please check if and result in working HDMI on the M2 Ultra Studio
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<leio> janneg: fwiw, drivers/gpu/drm/apple/dptxep.c:337:27: warning: unused variable ‘dptx’ [-Wunused-variable] since commit 9033f6f1f2
* leio stashes away the partial dcp_shutdown revert of old
<leio> janneg: no luck, but I see progress (or just more debugging msg), including my desired resolution printed out: (this is attached with older HDMI cable that has always been fine for 4K@60Hz to the 4K@60Hz 8-bits per color older monitor)
<leio> odd empty lines after line 375 coming from somewhere too, but that's that
<leio> at 46 seconds the HDMI cable is removed, plugged back in at 51
<janneg> leio: that looks like it should have worked at 4.444890. any idea why it could select 4k30 as mode? do you happen to have the edid for this display?
<janneg> which monitor was this? have you tried a different one?
<leio> janneg: it's the 4K one, LG 27UD60P-W; macOS picks 30Hz too for it; on my old computer it works at 60Hz fine
<leio> I may have seen stuff longer up to gdm, which then doesn't. But I don't have any of the rust stuff, etc, so unsure if I might miss something here that's needed
<leio> janneg: would EDID read out over DisplayPort attached to other computer be good?
<leio> If so, then
<leio> trying against the other monitor now (it's EDID: )
<janneg> leio: yes, edid from a different computer is good. thanks
<leio> janneg: dmesg with the other monitor:
<leio> it says "HDMI disconnected" after the picture goes away
<janneg> leio: yes. I supposed at the first "DPTXController.cpp:3227: AppleDCPDPTXController::handleInterrupt(): FIFO error interrupt COMMON_INT_STA_3=0x00000010" the display is broken
<janneg> can you try adding apple_dcp.enable_verbose_logging=1 to the kernel commandline
<leio> in about an hour, thanks
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<leio> display disappearing seems to match the theory; what I see visually last is a couple lines before the first FIFO error interrupt
<leio> janneg: with the 6K monitor
<leio> networking coming up very late again with this then
<leio> and HDMI disconnect/connect isn't producing any dmesg lines
<leio> I guess it might have before, but not the end with mailbox closed or something
<leio> nifiedPipeline.cpp:7758: ERROR: Modeset done, but pipe not enabled: fSoftPowerState=1, fDisplayPowerState=0, fHardPowerState=1
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<Wubbzy04> hi
<Wubbzy04> I have been trying to build m1n1 and there is an instruction which says to do the command 'kmutil configure-boot -c m1n1.macho -v <path to your OS volume>'
<Wubbzy04> is the OS volume Macintosh HD or should I make a new partition for it
<tpw_rules> what are you trying to do with m1n1?
<Wubbzy04> I wanted to try contributing in some way, and so I decided to try building m1n1 on my macbook to try testing stuff
<Wubbzy04> I dont really have experience doing that sort of OS stuff but it's also an area that I am interested in learning
<tpw_rules> okay. testing stuff with what? linux or macos?
<Wubbzy04> hm
<Wubbzy04> I would like to use MacOS
<Wubbzy04> though I eventually wanted to have a dual-boot with asahi on my macbook
<j`ey> Wubbzy04: you have another computer right?
<Wubbzy04> yea
<j`ey> if you want to also use macOS like normal, you should do it on another partition
<tpw_rules> you'll have to set up macos in it
<Wubbzy04> interesting
<Wubbzy04> so create some new partition, set up a secondary macOS install inside of it, and then link to that OS volume in the kmutil command?
<j`ey> that's if you want to use m1n1 with macOS to do tracing
<j`ey> another option is using the installer to do a m1n1+uboot only install
<Wubbzy04> I did see the option to just install asahi through curl but I wasnt sure if that was the right way to do it for my intentions
<Wubbzy04> though I realize that my intentions are a bit vague the more I try to describe them lol
<Wubbzy04> I primarily want to help in whatever way I can/learn in the process b.c. I think it's cool
<j`ey> that curl thing will give an option to just install a 'UEFI environment', which if you only want to mess around with m1n1, is fine
<tpw_rules> i suggest you install a full asahi and get familiar with it first
<tpw_rules> it will still have an m1n1 you can play with
<Wubbzy04> okok
<nicolas17> besides, nothing here is irreversible
<nicolas17> if it were the case that a full asahi install isn't useful for your intentions, you can always remove it later :)
<tpw_rules> do have a time machine backup at least though, it is possible to blow everything up and have to erase the machine
<nicolas17> oh yeah, backup your data
<Wubbzy04> wise
<Wubbzy04> thank you for assistance
<Wubbzy04> doing the install atm